Character Education for Young Generation

Indonesia is currently being hit by a very serious crisis, including the economic crisis that causes increased poverty, but also the moral crisis that causes crime and morality of the nation is so low. This problem is caused by the lack of education that focuses on religious morals based on religion. Education emphasizes more theoretical aspects than implimentation in everyday life. Religious education is considered only as an addition to experience and insight without being realized in the form of moral and good morals.

Basically education is a process of cultural internalization into each individual and society, the goal is to create a quality and character personality so as to have a broad view of the fore to achieve a goal that is expected and able to adapt quickly and precisely in various environments. This is in accordance with the purpose of education itself, one of which is to motivate every individual to become a better person in all aspects of life, because in principle, education is not only the transfer of science, but how to form a good character.

Before we understand more about character education, we must first understand what is meant by the character itself. Character is a collection of good behavior of a person, the behavior is a manifestation of the awareness of the role, function, and duty to develop the mandate and responsibility.

Characters can be distinguished into two categories, namely first, basic characters consisting of basic character, superior character, and character of the leader. The basic character becomes the core of the main character, this character is sustained by three values that become human nature; ie honest, disciplined, and unselfish. Simply by having these three values, a person is well controlled to be a good person. The next main character is the superior character, formed by seven good qualities, namely sincere, patient, grateful, responsible, sacrificial, self-improvement, and earnest.

While the next principal character is the character of the leader, the character has nine values ​​of the shaper, that is, fair, wise, wise, knight ', simple, visoner, olutif, communicative, and inspirational. These three main characters must be trained and educated so that it becomes everyday behavior and become a daily activity.

Second, the character of choice is a good behavior that develops in accordance with the job profession. Every profession has behavior character. The demands of the teaching profession, in certain parts of the charakter is different from the military character, so will be different from the doctor's character. However, whatever the profession, everyone should build the main character first.

Based on the above ideas, character education is a conscious or planned effort to realize the learning atmosphere and the learning process so that learners actively develop their potential to have spiritual spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by him/herself, nation and state.

Science without character will not be valuable. This is in line with the saying "al-Adabu fauqa al-'ilmi (adab is above science), other than that there is another saying that" Knowldwge is power but character is more "(Science is the main, but the main character ). Thus, a young generation who is highly educated but lacks good morals and character, will destroy himself because religious values ​​are not embedded in him and are not applied in everyday life, thus becoming a proud, arrogant, dishonest, and selfish.

On the other hand, the society puts enormous expectations on the young generation to have character, because the characteristic generation will determine the direction of civilization of a country in the future, whether to create a civilization that developed and developed or otherwise will create a civilization that worsens, it depends on the younger generation now.

As a young generation of Indonesia, we should take part in advancing education in this country. We must be one of the agents of change for Indonesia, the younger generation as a successor can appreciate, comprehend, practice good values ​​or norms by passing on all the experiences, knowledge, abilities and skills that lie behind values ​​and norms. norms in everyday life.

Thus, character education will be embedded in the soul of the younger generation, so that there will be a healthy, disciplined, unselfish, sincere, patient, grateful, responsible, sacrificial, truthful, fair, wise, simple, visionary, communicative, and inspirational.

This is my post for today, Thank you all for visiting my blog. I hope my article is useful to you all!
Best regards, @fataelrumy


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