
My first examination ever was an oral one when I was to gain admission into my elementary school.
I remembered several tutoring and memorization that preceded my being taken to the school. In those days, when a child is to be admitted into the primary school, apart from the fact that you must be able to recite ABC to Z, you must be able to read figures 1 to 10.
These are basic knowledge that you must have but more importantly, you will be tested on whether your right hand is able to touch your left ear when you place your right hand across your head.
Any pupil that could not touch his/her ear is disqualified irrespective of his knowledge of both the letters A to Z or figures 1 to 10.
No one has been able to explain the relevance of this action till date.

Abi you know it?

Many young ones were denied the opportunity of starting school early all because they were of small stature. I was a victim too but for a year.

I remember such preparation that went into such admission process and how we eagerly we await the result. From that day forward man continued to go from one examination to another.

One thing that is common to people sitting for examination is FEAR.
No matter the level of such exam even up to Phd level. There is a common saying that examination does not know customer.
Recently, I was discussing with a Professor, I thought someone who had been promoted and called to be a Professor should have nothing to fear when he wants to deliver his inaugural lecture but I was proved wrong.
I was made to realised that the amount of preparation to must have been put into the delivery of inaugural lecture is not a child's play.
Why do we subject ourselves to this rigour, why can't we just move on in life. The fact of the matter is, for man to make progress in life, we must evaluate and assess ourselves to justify the amount of investment that had been put into such effort.
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Some scholars argued that examination is not the best way to evaluate students but I will like to submit that it is one of the ways to assess and evaluate students. No exam No promotion.
Examination is good but you must prepare for, how are you preparing for your next exam?

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