Interrogative, indefinite and relative pronouns

lets talk about interrogative pronouns.

These pronouns are used to introduce questions. Example are:

Who, Whose, Whom, Which, What.

These pronouns are in three forms which are:

Subject forms Examples of these are who, which, what.

Objective form Examples of these are whom, is used as the indirect object form in formal speech or writing but who is more often found in colloquial usage.

Possessive form whose is the possessive form. look at these examples:

  1. whose pen is that? (possessive)
  2. Who did you give the book to? (Informal Indirect Object)
  3. To whom did you give the book? (Formal Indirect Object)
  4. Which dress are you going to wear to the party? ( Interrogative)
  5. What answer did he give? (Interrogative)
  6. Who brought you home? (Interrogative)

Lets now talk about Indefinite Pronouns

These pronouns are used to refer to one or more people or things. Examples are;

  • all
  • some
  • none
  • any
  • both
  • somebody
  • anybody
  • nobody
  • everybody
  • several
  • another
  • many
  • few
  • each
  • neither

Relative Pronouns

These pronouns are used relate adjective clauses to the words they qualify. For example: 'The man who was in front of me at the Post Office was very angry'. Here the group of words 'who was in front of me at the Post Office' tells us exactly which man is being discussed. The relative pronoun 'who' is the link connecting the word-group to the noun 'man' it qualifies.


1. Stroke the relative pronouns in the following sentences:

  • This is the problem that u told you about.
  • The man whose house burnt down is now destitute.
  • Your letter, which i received a week ago, was very interesting.
  • That girl whom you were discussing has just gone down the street.
  • Our next-door neighbour, who is an engineer, works in Port Harcourt.


Chose a suitable relative pronoun to fill the blanks in these sentences.

  • This is the goose .... laid the golden egg.
  • He showed me the book .... he said he had found.
  • She is the girl .... mother died last week.
  • Mr. James is the teacher .... i mentioned to you last week.
  • He's the boy .... was sent home last term.

Score yourself



You were asked to stroke the relative pronouns in the  sentence:

  • This is the problem that u told you about.
  • The man whose house burnt down is now destitute.
  • Your letter, which i received a week ago, was very interesting.
  • That girl whom you were discussing has just gone down the street.
  • Our next-door neighbour, who is an engineer, works in Port Harcourt.


Chose a suitable relative pronoun to fill the blanks in these sentences.

  • This is the goose that laid the golden egg.
  • He showed me the book which/that he said he had found.
  • She is the girl whose mother died last week.
  • Mr. James is the teacher whom i mentioned to you last week.
  • He's the boy who was sent home last term.

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