Adjectives: When you want to tell more about a person or thing...

When you want to tell more about a person  or thing, you can do it very simple by putting a descriptive Word or words in front of the noun

For example, if i say, 'He is a man' you may want more information and ask 'What kind of a man is he?' I may answer, He is an old  man' or He is fat, Blade-headed, angry old man.' Each of those words, 'fat ', 'blade-headed', angry', and 'old', tells you a bit more about what kind of a man he is. These are called Adjectives. Or suppose i say, 'pass me the book' you may ask 'which one? ' 'The yellow book'. Here again 'yellow' gives the extra information you need. It is an adjective.

So one quick check you can make to see if a word is an adjective is to find out whether it answers the question 'What kind or Which one'

Adjective, if well used, Will make your writing much more lively and interesting. 

Knowing what Adjectives  are lets do some exercises under it 

1. Answer the questions by providing an Adjective to fill the blank.  

a. What kind of cloth is it? It's .... cloth. 

b. What colour is your dress? It's a .... one.  

c. What size is the box. It's a .... box. 

d. What sort of person is she? She's a .... girl.  

e. Which of the two boys do you like best? I like the .... boy. 

f. What kind of noise did the animal make? It made a .... noise.  

g. Which of the house do you live in? I live in the .... one.  

h. What sort of leaves does that tree have? It has .... ones. 

i. What kind of snake bit you? It was a .... snake. 

j. What shape is the bottle? It's a .... one. 

2. In the passage below pick out the nouns and the Adjective and write them out, each Adjective at the side of the noun it describes. 

As we trudged wearily up the long hill, we wondered whether we could possibly reach the new house before darkness falls. Suddenly as we reached the top and looked down, we saw the beautiful little village set amongst the shady green trees and caught a momentary glimpse of a stream nearby. Grey smoke rose lazily from the bright fires and we imagined happy families looking forward to an enjoyable evening. 

3. Here are some nouns. Write the Adjectives belonging to them. Example_ depth(N) deep(adj)

length(N) long((adj)

a. wisdom(N) .........

b. safety(N) .........

c. difference(N) .........

d. width(N) .........

e. distance(N) .........

f. poverty(N) .........

g. strength(N) .........

h. agriculture(N) .........

i. charity(N) .........

4.i. From the following nouns, make Adjectives that describe a person or thing that shows these qualities or features:

a. dirt 

b. hunger

c. pride

d. terror

e. beauty 

f. ambition 

g. scales(like a lizard)

h. knowledge 

i. stones

j. duty 

4.ii. Now, use each of the Word in 4i to fill in the blank spaces only one for each:

a. The village elders decided on a very ... plan to build an irrigation canal from the river. 

b. The boy worked in the fields all morning, until he was so ... that he had to stop. 

c. There was a ... stream and a, waterfall deep in the forest, where people sometimes went to swim. 

d. Finally, they saw the monster rise from the lagoon, he was ... green and as tall as a Palm tree. 

e. Paul became so ... about repairing cars that all the local business men began to come to him. 

f. when the treasure was found in 1999, it was covered in dust,.and very ... from centuries of neglect.  

g. The lorry driver was very careless, and so the journey was ... for us. 

h. The girl behaved towards her father as a ..... daughter should.  

i. Nobody had like the man ever since he was too ... to Park his new car out of the way of the traffic. 

j. Everyone wished they had worn their shoes because the path was very .....

score yourself 

Here are the answers 


a. heavy, thick, velvet etc.

b. Red, Blue, Black etc.

c. big, small, enormous etc. 

d. nice, charming, clever etc. 

e. younger, older,thin, fat, bright etc. 

f. loud, frightening etc. 

g. newer, bigger,  oldest, green, etc. 

h. broad, rough, hairy etc. 

i. poisonous, harmless, long etc. 

j. round, square, narrow etc. 


a. long(adj), hill(N)

b. new(adj), house(N)

c. beautiful,little (adj), village(N)

d. shady, green(adj), tress(N)

e. momentary(adj), glimpse(N) 

f. grey(adj), smoke(N)

g. bright(adj), fires(N)

h. happy(adj), families(N)

i enjoyable(adj), evening(N) 


a. wise

b. safe

c. different 

d. wide

e. distant

f. poor 

g. Strong 

h. agricultural 

i. charitable 

4ia. dirty 

b. hungry 

c. proud 

d. terrible or terrifying 

e. beautiful 

f. ambitious 

g. scaly 

h. knowledgeable

i. stony

j. dutiful 


a. ambitious 

b. hungry 

c. beautiful 

d. scaly 

e. knowledgeable 

f. dirty 

g. terrifying 

h. dutiful 

i. proud 

j. stony


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