The Importance of Parent's Role To Child Education

Talking about children's education, this certainly is not just about teaching children to be able to do something or think something. It also involves making children more mature and mature individuals, for life in the long term, for the rest of their lives, not just when they are in school. That is, the role of the family becomes very large, because it is associated with all aspects of child development and education.

The first center of education is the family environment, education in the family environment is very strategic to provide education to the intelligence, character or personality and preparation of life in the community. Parents will be an example for children, children will usually imitate what is done by parents. So parents should be able to provide exemplary and good daily habits so that can be an example for his son. Exemplary and good habits that, should be given by parents from childhood or childhood because it can affect the development of the child's psyche.

The importance of parent's role to the education of children is not trivial because education is the main capital that must be owned by every living individual in order to survive against the times.

So not only the role of teachers and the environment is important but the role of parents also plays a very important role in learning achievement of children.

Therefore, parents should pay more attention to their children, see the potential and talents that exist in their children, provide facilities and infrastructure to support their learning process in school and always motivate children to keep the spirit in learning. Parents are also expected to do all of it with a sincere intention to create a generation that has good morale and high insight and unyielding spirit.

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