Grow your Wings! (Mama’s going back to Uni!)

For the past two years I've been a full time mum. My husband and I decided it was really important for our son to have a parent there for him all the time during this critical developmental period. I love every second I get to spend with Vinny, and I am so grateful to my other half for working extra hard to allow that to happen.

As I'm starting to see my son growing more and more independent, and to look for nurseries and schools for him, I realize that it's time to think about me too. So I've decided to go back to Uni' and start studying again!

I applied for a degree with the Open Universityafter reading about how great they are at making higher education more accessible, especially for people who already have many different aspects of life to focus on. You can study toward your degree while working, taking care of family and continuing your life as it is, and I think that is amazing!


'The OU teaches through its own unique method of distance learning, called ‘supported open learning’, which is:

Flexible – students work where and when they choose to fit in with jobs, families and other commitments
All-inclusive – students get all the high quality materials they need to study
Supportive – personal tutors provide academic expertise, guidance and feedback and run group tutorials; and specialist advisers are on hand to help with other aspects of OU study
Social – students get together at tutorials, day schools and informal study groups; and through online conferencing, study networks and course forums.'

There are over a hundred thousand students in the UK alone and I'm so excited to join them and start a new learning adventure.

If any of you guys are thinking of going back to school, go for it! Dream big and start working towards those goals!

If you're in the UK you can apply for a student loan, and the staff at OU will help you with every step; they have been brilliant with me so far.

So wish me luck, and I'll let you know more about it when my course starts!

Until next time, Steem on!



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