"The characteristics, rules, and examples of indirect sentence writing"

The characteristics, rules, and examples of indirect sentence writing

The indirect sentence is a sentence that informs or informs the other person's words in the form of a news sentence.
Indirect sentence characteristics and rules:

  1. Do not use quotation marks.
  2. Intonation read it flat, not pressed.
  3. There are changes of people pronouns, namely:
    The first person's pronoun turns into a 3rd person.
    "I", "I" to "He" or "He"
    The 2nd person's pronoun turns into the 1st person.
    "You" "he" becomes "me" or a person's name
    The pronouns of the 2nd and the 1st plural turned into "us", "us" and "them"
    "You" "we" become "" them "" us "
  4. Usually also added conjunction "that".
    Here are examples of indirect sentences:
    The teacher asked us if we had done our homework or not.
    Ferry said he would apologize to Rudi for his mischief yesterday.
    Hamdan asked about when his father came home from Borneo.
    Irvan asked his father to get him a laptop to do the work.
    Joni said that he would go to his friend's house.
    Doni said that I should try better.
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