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Being Human - Education is the most powerful wepon, which can be used to change the world.

"As Rightly said by Nelson Mandela "The most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world is Education."


You are educated thats why you are here and able to read this post, just imagine if you can't able to read this post.

This we have to understand, the major issue of poverty and development of a country depends upon education. If people gets proper education most of this issue will be solved.

What are the major causes of Illiteracy.

There are many reasons why an idividual can be illiterate and are not able to read or write, here are some causes:

  1. Parent illiteracy: This is one of the major reason for child illiteracy, because their parent are illiterate so they do not take much or any effort in providing education to their children.

  2. Lack of awareness: In several places where people do not understand the value of education and importance of going to school, illiteracy rate would be high. Mostly in rural area illiteracy rate are high as compare to urban area.

  3. Social obstructions: There are many social obstructions which leads to increase illiteracy. Some major social obstructions are: (a). Girl's education is not an important mater for some societies and the are being forced to do house work, because they believe that educating a girl is a waste of money as they have to go to their husband home after marriage. (b). Some societies forced their children into early marriage is also a cause for illiteracy. (c). Caste System is also a major issue in some societies, as if a child born in a wrong caste may not get an opportunity to go to school as they are condemned to be illiterate since birth.

  4. Poverty: Poor people find it difficult to pay the school fees of their children, they are being forced to choose between providing basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter and sending their children to school. It is their helplessness choose first three and education always remains the last.

What are the outcomes and impacts of illiteracy?

  1. Obstructs social and economic progress: Illiteracy extraordinarily restrains the financial and social advance of a person and that of the nation. Educations gives strength to an individual for seeking opportunity and pursue them, which lead them in taking a wise and expert decision in making their investment and drive the development plan of a country.

  2. Poverty: Educated individual is full of expertise and skills, which help them in getting gainful employment. Whereas an illiterate individual has a hard time in finding job and they have to work hard to earn bread and butter for their family.

  3. Difficult life: Illiterate person leads a difficult life because they get very less opportunity, as compared to literate. They have to face social barriers, rejections in getting employment, its really hard for them to provide good standard of living to their children and sometime they are even not able to provide food for their families. They really see hard time.

  4. Child marriage: As illiterate parent are unable to recognize the importance of education, they forced their child into early marriage specially girl. Boy's are also forced to do early marriage as it will lead to raise money in the form of dowry, which help them in supporting their families.

  5. Social Crimes: An educated person can differentiate well between right and wrong and his behavior is socially acceptable. Illiterate person have difficulty in getting employment which can indulge them in unlawful business that are not acceptable by the society and result them to live a uncultured life.

  6. Unemployment, Underemployment and Underpayment: Today every organisation wants that they recruit a person who are well educated and lead their organisation towards growth. Due to lack of education many people are underemployed, underpayment and unemployed.

How to stop or control illiteracy, possible solutions?

  1. Free education: Getting more people to school by providing them free education government can reduce the level of illiteracy in a country with the help of schools, colleges, and universities.

  2. Awareness: By creating awareness about the importance of education in people life will help them in understanding that why they need to go to school.

  3. Funding: Many people want to study, but their financial conditions does not allow them to pay the fees of school and colleges. Government need to take care of them and being a responsible citizen it's our duty too. We can help them by donating a small amount from our earning directly or through NGO's who work for this cause.

  4. Education cost should be low: Now a days fees of school and colleges are very high, government should take necessary action to lowering the cost of education. Making it easier for people to study highest level possible.


Education is one of the most important part of life, because an educated people have better ability and intelligence to overcome daily life challenges. Illiterate people has no space in modern society and they have to face many problems in life. The more number of literate people the better the community will be. So we should work hard on this and inform everyone the benefits of being literate and create a better tomorrow for them and the country as well.

(We @beinghuman.steem appeal you to please come forward and think seriously to give your best for this noble cause.)

Friends lets come together, be a witness and part of this Steemit Being Human Blockchain. Your small effort can change life of these children.

Together we can and we will make a difference.




This is an small effort by @beinghuman.steem (Steemian Charity Group For Poor Children).

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