THE WAR ON CHILDREN [Part 2] - The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda

War on Kids - sexualisation.png

Quote: My God!! I can't believe they're teaching this in school. There is no such thing as innocence anymore.


Astounding!! I cannot believe that the entire world, as it seems, have been blinded by these depraved men and women who are pushing this agenda. It is time for those who are working to destroy our families, our children, our world, to be stopped. We must do something parents, let us protect the innocent from these predators.Unquote

Why you should watch the video (and not just upvote to show you were here): Anyone with children, or who cares about children and the future of our society and our traditions, they need to KNOW what the kids are being taught. Once you are shown and the reasons for doing it the way they are doing it is explained, I promise you, you will be horrified and angered.

As I suggested in my previous "War on Kids " post, it is not enough to counter what they are taught by speaking to your kids. The teachers have already ensured they will not believe you - plus there will be the need to be the same as their friends at school. I suggest groups are formed who have the experience and training to counter the evil, by arranging to teach children after school hours, grouping them according to neighbourhood. Make them (as a group) feel special, because only they understand the real truth of what they were told at school.

There used to be people who specialised in de-programming young people who had fallen into the clutches of sects; we need people like them now - to help save our children.

So, crunch time. Here is the video, watch it (if you can bear to) to the end and then think on all you learnt (I needed a gin and tonic after I finished watching it). Then talk to other parents, invite them over to watch it also and start to form a group.

The good thing is that education is now in the process of being removed from the socialist-marxist control (keep fighting against CORE), so with your help, things will and can get better. But do not wait, those changes will help future students, you need to help your children NOW.

Perhaps it might be a good idea you also go to another post and watch the video there. What (he), Kitty, says is so true and so grounded in decency! Important but also refreshing.

.... the Kitty video:

My belief in Free Speech is my Shield

Posted: 28th January, 2020

If you have any ideas for sharing with us on methods we can use to save our children....please do so in a comment below or make a post and let us know in a comment.

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