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educating children at an early age


Understanding Educating, Teaching, Guiding, and Training

understanding of educating? Is it the same as educating by teaching? Then what about training and guiding? Maybe the differences in the four words are rather vague and unclear. Drs. Suparlan, M.Pd. in his book entitled Becoming an Effective Teacher has listed the differences between educating, guiding and training and teaching. Here's the fourth difference according to him



Educating: In terms of content, educating is closely related to morality and personality. If viewed in terms of the process, then educating is related to providing motivation to learn and following the provisions or rules that have become a collective agreement. Then when viewed in terms of the strategies and methods used, educating uses better practice and habituation.

Guiding: When viewed in terms of content, guiding is related to norms and order. Viewed in terms of the process, educating can be done by conveying or transferring teaching materials in the form of science, technology and art by using strategies and teaching methods that are appropriate to the individual differences of each student. Then when viewed from the strategies and methods used, then guiding is more in the form of motivation and coaching.


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