SDN 3 Hammer Focuses on Academic Improvement

Head of Palu Elementary School (SDN) 3, Nikmat Hapan, said that at present his side was focusing on improving various aspects in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning at SDN 3 Palu.

"There are several things that become our focus, namely improving teacher professionalism at SDN 3 Palu, which aims to make teachers understand their function and role in educating the successors of this nation," he told Suteng Raya, Tuesday (01/09/2017). ) In addition, he said, improving the character of the teacher is also an important thing, remembering as a teacher, must have good character to be an example for students.

He said, the school would also promote guidance on student achievement, especially the subjects of Natural Sciences (IPA) and Matimatika Lessons. This aims to develop the potential of students of SDN 3 Palu.

Currently, said Nikmat, there are still several obstacles faced to improve the quality of teaching and learning in SDN 3 Palu. One of them is the lack of class teachers as many as four people, religious teachers, and teachers who do not yet exist.

"When it comes to physical constraints, toilet infrastructure is currently not feasible, it does not provide a sense of comfort for students," he said.
He hopes, in the future this obstacle can be overcome. So, the quality of education at SDN 3 Palu can immediately increase.

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