Let's get the most out of reading // part 2


To get the most out of our reading we must discover those bad habits that we have and we must eradicate them completely and in turn replace them with good ones, that is, those habits that allow us to become effective readers who develop reading ability.

People have "customs" when making our reading that we consider normal, for example, to make regressions or simply go back to observe again what was already read, that is, it is customary to repeat the lines of paragraphs, this hinders the speed of the reading and worse still the understanding this is highly negative, because the fragmentation of the thought is caused, diminishing the concentration; this habit can be corrected by "always reading forward" at times we will not understand anything that is read but with a practice time will be positive, one of the tips I apply is to use a sheet or card that covers each line of paragraphs already read .

Now, if you discover the origin of why the return on our reading is applied, this evil can be avoided or, as we say in my country, we can root out evil. Some causes of this habit are products of low concentration, lack of development in visual perception, excessive care that is taken at the time of reading, that is, being very thorough. The convenient thing to attack all this is to read constantly, since, this will guarantee the best use of reading.

Other misconceptions that you have during reading is to perform this activity aloud or accompany these with the movements of the mouth, this is one of the behaviors taught since we are little ones, because when you are a little It is necessary because this allows that with the image and the word the idea of ​​what we are learning can be appreciated. However, in adulthood this practice is negative because of the little attention given to understanding the idea of ​​the text, since our attention is focused on pronunciation and we forget the main essence of the text, in addition we involve reading "word" to word ", when the ideal is to read forward.

Similarly, if we focus on pronouncing subvocalization, that is, mentally uttering the author's own words without emitting any sound, this habit we can only perceive its existence, but it happens frequently, I can assure you that at this moment you have I have been having this practice repeating every word in your mind. This routine can also be controlled ... first we must be habitual readers, because this will allow us to deepen our level of understanding, where thinking is fluid and as we read we can interpret the ideas put forward by an author and provide our own conclusions ... let's learn together Take ideas as simple vehicles of the thoughts we have in our mind through opinions.

Remember also, that our body language has a great influence on our reading, try as much as possible to be comfortable, where our muscles do not feel contracted and that all that is required is the eye movement, which is much faster than our own fingers (for those who have the need to always move their fingers between the lines of the paragraphs). Visual perception is of great importance to develop as skilled readers, that is, where we exceed 350 words per minute.

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