- Foundational Teaching #7 - We are saved by grace... through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Foundational Teaching #7 - We are saved by grace... through faith in Jesus Christ. It is a GIFT of God... so that no one can boast.

Many times, I'll take a 20 dollar bill out of my pocket and extend it to someone and ask them, "What do you do... to earn a gift?"
Many say, "Nothing" or... "I don't know".
The Truth is.... nothing.
A gift is a... gift.

However... there are only two things you do with a gift.
You either accept it... or you reject it.
We have all disobeyed God... so the verdict for all of us is... GUILTY.
The sentence... is death.
Whether you believe God exists or not, is irrelevant... much like the law of gravity.

You never prove God wrong... you only prove Him right.

Sometimes when I am teaching and I say something they don't like... people will comment to me, "Anthony, you shouldn't say such things.... that's ugly."
My reply to them is always the same... "If you go to the top of a 50 story building and you jump off without a parachute... I promise you, the results will be UGLY.... but they will still be the Truth."

If you reject the Gift of God... you not only insult Him and the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus The Christ... but the results... are gonna be UGLY.
So if you have never... I BEG you... ask Jesus Christ tonight before you go to sleep... to forgive you for breaking His laws... and to please come into your life and be your Lord and Savior.

  • Love - This is when you give a person the freedom of choice... and he or she.... chooses you. :-)

  • Love.... transcends language.

  • Love.... is always tested.

  • Faith... is always tested.

As always... see comments after videos. Suggested Study always listed in last comment.

Please refer us to others.
Thank you... 😊 Anthony

  • Citizen Way - I Will - Lyrics -

  • Comment 1 - - Casting Crowns - The Well - Lyrics -
    ---- An Awesome website I would encourage you to check out thoroughly is — www.wayofthemaster.com.
    Check out the audio and video lessons... as well as, the 10 principles for new Christians.

What God starts... God finishes.
Salvation is a LEGAL matter. Sin is genetic.
It is passed down from generation to generation... through the seed of the man.
This is why Christ was born... without sin.
Sin is 100% lethal.

Sin... is disobedience to God.
The Greek word means... to miss the goal... and so not share in the prize.
It means we have broken God's laws.
The wage/ reward of sin... is death in every area of life (FT#10).
Perfect blood has to be shed to pay or "atone" for sin.
This is why the blood of bulls and goats could not pay for sins (Hebrews - I call it the book of Better Things).
It was just a preview of Christ.

The Old Testament... is a preview of the New.
The difference between the old and the new is:
The old is temporary... for this life.
The new is eternal... for the next life.

Either Christ's blood has to be presented which is perfect... or our blood which is not.
Our blood cannot pay the "fine" so we will be in prison, hell... forever if we choose to pay the fine ourself.
Prison is punishment for a crime committed... or a debt owed.

Christ gave Himself... as our substitution.
He paid our fine... on the cross.
In effect... God put His Word to death... in order to save us.
It is the ultimate essence... of the parable of the Good Samaritan.
satan has beaten us up... stolen from us and left us for dead and we would be... except for the Good Shepherd who comes along.

The priest and the levite (they were the line the priests came through in the OT) shows us.... that religion cannot save us.

Once God saves us by the blood of Christ... we are saved. Period.
It is a gift.
There are only two things we do with a gift.
We accept it... or reject it.

God is a just God.
He is called the Righteous Judge... and He is only just, to make a place... for those who do not want to live with Him and His Son.
That place was not made for us.
It was made... for the devil and his angels.
That place is called hell... in the Bible.
It is separation from God... FOREVER... BECAAUUSSE... you don't want to live with Him no way... right??

Rewards... are another subject though (FT#8).
We are saved by grace (undeserved favor)... through faith in Jesus Christ... but we are REWARDED by works.
Many will fall across the gate... with the smell of smoke still on them. (FT#8)
They will have no rewards when they get there... because all they have planted here are weeds.
We are to lay up treasures in heaven.

Many get this confused.
For example... the person who says to you, we can still go to hell even though we are saved.
Ask them to explain how, specifically, in detail.
How many laws do we have to break before we lose our salvation?
This is a variation of "salvation by works".

Either God saves us.... or we save ourselves.
If we save ourselves, Christ died in vain... uselessly.
Salvation is not about what we do.
It is about what Christ DID.
It is admission that we are guilty and are in need of a do-over.
In order for us to save ourselves... we have to keep all the law perfectly... and be born without sin.
Christ is the only One... who fits this description (FGFTR).

Salvation is not for this life.
It is why we have to be REBORN... or BORN AGAIN.
This body has to die. This is the first judgment.
It is the first death (Genesis 1-4).
We have to be given a new body... an incorruptible one that will not die or decay.
We cannot patch this one up.
New wine has to be poured... into NEW wineskins.
It is what is meant by, "If you try to save your life... you will still lose your life. But whoever loses their life for My sake... and the gospel... will find/ save it."

So pour it out, for God.
An awesome website is www.wayofthemaster.com with Kirk Cameron (movie Fireproof) and Ray Comfort.
Click on the video and audio lessons.

*** Make sure your people are saved. ***
One example of how I handle it when I am talking with people is....
As I am LEAVING... I'll turn and ask them REALLY FAST... Oh yeah, let me ask you a question... "Are you saved?"

One of three answers.... Yes... no or... Huh??

  1. If they say yes... I say, "AWESOME!! or Cool... then I leave... cause I was leaving ANYWAY.

  2. If it's HUH?? .... I say SLOWLY, "Have you ever asked Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior... and to forgive you for breaking His laws?

If they say No... I DO NOT argue.
I simply TOUCH THEM gently on the shoulder and say...
"Then I PRAY that TONIGHT... before you go to sleep.... you ask Him to."

Then I leave... cause I was leaving.... ANYWAY. :-)
And when I get to my vehicle... I pray their full name and ask God to save them.
He always does.

There is some more... but this is enough for now.
As with all FT's... I would encourage you to read them several times... Aloud and sloowwllyy.
Study... and if I can be of more service... please do not hesitate to let me know.
Find out what your name means. It is a clue.... to you.

  • One last thought...
    People say Jesus Christ is coming back... and this is true.
    But just so you know, when you die... Christ has ALREADY come back.... for you.
    Or NOT....
    Life is short.
    I hope... you choose wisely.
    Love y'all.....Anthony

  • Suggested Study: John 3

  • Romans 3 & 10

  • Acts 4:12

  • 1 Peter 2:15-25

  • Ephesians 2

  • Book - The Love Dare by Stephen & Alex Kendrick

  • www.amway.com/rji

  • www.youtube.com/user/anthonyradway/videos

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