Steemhomework for the week!- Why did you decide to become a teacher?

What could I do to contribute towards the recovery of my country? and investigate How did other countries that had experienced a similar situation to ours have resurfaced?

  • The result pointed to education as one of the long-term measures, the training of children and young people as future professionals, leaders and managers of important companies in the country such as Venezuela Oil, people trained to produce with the best techniques everything that We consume, stop depending on foreign countries. But not only technical education but also emotional education, staff prepared to lead motivating their staff, empathy, values, morals, resilience, and is that the most difficult external situations we can leave more strengthened, even as a society.

  • In this sense, I decided to make a teaching component in the company where I work, it is like a course taught to communicate and teach others, and that although there are people who are born with the ability to teach others there are also techniques that they provide you with tools according to the temperament, personality and learning styles that facilitate communication and the consequent faster learning according to the person. I also took courses in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), courses on How to overcome resistance to change, resilience courses, among others, which opened the way for teaching young people who want to work in the company where I work, but from the formation of the individual as an integral being, that is, teaching the technical part but also the control of emotions and spirituality, that is, emotional intelligence.

  • Also, through my cooking classes and children's crafts I try to incorporate this type of teaching, motivate them and tell them in many ways that they can do everything !, even when the circumstances are not favorable. One concept that I try to teach and promote in my classes is resilience, because according to my research "is a concept that was used after the Second World War in the investigations of survivors in the concentration camps: some managed to resist and to overcome the traumas. "To achieve this, I positively work on the self-esteem of the child and young person, making sure that the interest to continue learning and not to give up due to the situation of hunger or poverty that may be living in their homes.

Finally, I want to share a reflection, because many people believe that only one person can not make a difference and I, today I want to tell you that if you can do it, look at the life of Jesus Christ, of Gandhi, of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, we just have to do it, turn our words into positive actions! That's what it's about, teach this to our children and youth.

Thanks to the community of @steemiteducation and @edu-venezuela for motivating us to write topics of interest and valuable lessons for those of us who have the pleasure of reading the publications of those who live in these communities. Blessings and hugs.

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