YouLeadProject - Help send a child to school


YouLead is out to empower the future of our nation by creating a platform that allows you contribute in any form; be it be contributing just #200 to getting a book for a child, or be volunteering for her next event or by being a facilitator at the event that is to hold in Benin on the 13th of July.

Children around the world need you and I to pour whatever experience we have gathered through the years, to help them understand the complexities of the world they have been brought into. We would have jumped light years if we simply ensure they do not make the same mistakes we made, or suffer the same difficult situations we did.

Let's come together to deliver the future as we contribute to the success of the program.

Join the movement here

Remember to follow me on Instagram and twitter @andreyyte and also follow @youleadproject @andremore_ideation

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