Breast feeding and damage

Breast feeding and damage

kid's breast feeding

Breast milk is used very well to provide the child with immunity and vitamins that are important for his growth, but may have to be used as an alternative to breastfeeding, and there are many damages that may Which will affect the child as a result of their use so we will inform you in this article about the damage, and how to prepare the feeds, and common mistakes that occur when mothers to use to avoid them.

Damage to breast feeding

  • The child sleeps and is still in his mouth. The possibility of a little milk entering his or her mouth due to excess milk from his mouth, or because of the milk remaining in the child's mouth for a long time, reaches the throat, causing severe infections that can reach the respiratory system .

  • The penetration of milk between the teeth of the child, causing infection with harmful bacteria, which result in tooth decay.

  • Changes in the image of the jaws and distortion of the front teeth.

How to prepare dentures

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with water and soap. Place the breast in a pot filled with water, boil it well, then boil some water in another pot, and then place the milk powder as needed in the boiling water estimated by the amount of powder.

  • Mix the water and milk well, then pour the milk in the feeding, leave it cool a little, and when the time of the feeding is taken out of the refrigerator, and warmed slightly by placing it under the hot water tap, and can be shortened this step, and preparation of the infant when the child needs, and give it directly.

Tips when using breast feeding

  • Be careful not to force the child to completely end the amount of milk that is available in breastfeeding, as children who breastfeed are fed when they feel full, as does a child who breastfeeds.

  • Be careful not to let the child hold breastfeeding alone during breastfeeding, and the mother must hold them so as not to cause suffocation of the child, and be careful to raise the child's head when breast feeding.

  • Pay attention to a hole in the nipple, if it is narrow causes slow exit of milk, which causes discomfort to the child.

  • Taking care not to breastfeed the child while sleeping in bed, it causes inflammation and tousling in the teeth.

  • Microwave is not heated in the microwave, it is made of plastic, in addition to the microwave does not distribute the heat evenly, and the high temperature also lead to break the protein, and the nutrients inside.

  • Be careful not to touch the nipple, which causes the transmission of germs to it, which leads to the child's infection.


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