Getting Accepted To The College Harder To Get Into Than Harvard


I still remember my first time eating at this Japanese Restaurant with the food being prepared in front of my eyes. Delicious. It was December 2016 and I was visiting my family in Mexico, as this was my second Summer Break from the University of Cape Town (South Africa). After a nice dinner we got into our car and started heading home, when I received an email from an organization I had totally forgotten about: Minerva Schools at KGI.

I had applied to the school a few weeks earlier in order to look at different educational opportunities, but did not want to get my hopes up high. I mean, the school's acceptance rate was less than 1.9% this year. With hesitation I unlocked my phone and opened the email. Was I accepted or denied? The odds were not to my favor. However, neither option was mentioned in that email. Instead, it provided a link leading me to a video. I have to admit, the video felt like a lifetime, as it kept on telling me about all the amazing statistics of Minerva and the opportunities that lay ahead. A lot of really interesting information but not what I wanted to know at that moment. Did I make it?

Finally the video started to disappear, revealing this letter:

Inkedacceptance letter_LI.jpg

I must admit though, it wasn't an easy choice to leave everything behind and start University all over again. Classes will start next month and I am super excited to see what's to come.

Thinking of blogging about my time there, what do you think? Also, do you think it was the right choice to do leave my old Uni to go to Minerva?

Let me know about it in the comments!

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