📚 Let's Memorize the Conversion Factors in your FX-991 ES PLUS Calculator!

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Steemeronic Library

Topic #1: Memorize the 40 numbers keys Conversion Factors in FX-991 ES PLUS Calculator


FX-991 ES PLUS is the most widely used calculator today. It is used by students, engineers, educators, business mans and other professionals. This calculator has 580 functions, and one of this function is the conversion factors, which is very important to remember. During Board Exams the back cover of the calculator is taken away, in which conversion factors are found. So, you need to memorize the number keys with corresponding conversion values to use your calculator in different ways.

As part of this community, I will share with you my technique on memorizing this numbers keys. Seat back and let’s expand your creativity.

The Conversion Factors


FX-991 ES PLUS calculator has 40 unit conversion number keys, so, we will group these according to their classification: mass, velocity, area, pressure, volume, power, length, energy and temperature.

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The Memory System

On this technique, we will use three major system; the body; the number and the linking thoughts. We are going to place the nine (9) conversion classifications on your body beginning from feet to head.


Use your imagination. Create mind movies while putting this information into your body. The more you bring information to life, the more it will be remembered and remains in your long-term memory. Used the SEE Principle: use your senses, exaggerate with humor, trick your mind, have fun and give your pictures actions.


  1. MASS
    Let's put the Mass on the feet. We know that when a person is standing, the feet received the weight, so imagine yourself standing on giant feet.

    Put Velocity on the knees. Imagine yourself running, and the most of your body exerts the movement is your knees, or you can imagine knees without body running after you.

  3. AREA
    Put the area on the legs. The largest bone ‘’ femur ‘’ is found on the legs, so the word '‘largest'’ relates to the word ''area''.

    The part of the body that releases pressure is no other than butt so put the word pressure on the butt.

    When we eat, the storage tank of our food is our stomach, so ''storage tank'' relates to the word ''volume''; the volume of food in the stomach.

  6. POWER
    Put the word power on the palm. When we pray, we put our palms together, so remember; prayer is the most powerful words.

    When we stretched our arms sideward, it's equivalent to one meter, so, put the length on your arms.

    When a person is sick, we commonly put the thermometer on the neck, so ''thermometer'' relates to the word ''temperature''.

    Put the word energy on the head. Imagine yourself sending energy to the universe to attract the law of attraction.

Translate Numbers into Words

final number letter code.jpg

Each conversion classification has a corresponding number keys. We need to connect this numbers keys to each classification by translating numbers into words.



Based on the groupings found in conversion classification table.
It falls on 21 – 24 and 33 – 34.

Note: Use the table guide above to know the value of numbers in letters.

N represents for number 2
D represents for number 1
R represents for number 4
M represents for number 3

From the above number letter representation, we can sum up consonants; for 21 – 24 we can get NDNR; for 33 – 34 we can get NDNR and MMMR. To translate this letters to words, we will insert vowels, but remember that vowels and the word ‘’why’’ has no value in memory numbers system. So, we can create the words NoDoNoR and MaMaMeRy – sounds like ‘’No Donor’’ and ‘’Mama (mother) named Mery’’.


Do it again using the remaining conversion classifications, but for now, let’s assume that we already translated the numbers into words. Look below and examine their transcription.


19 - 20
Creates a word DeePNeeS – sounds like ‘’deep knees’’.


11 - 12
Creates a word DeaDToNe – sounds like ‘’dead tone’’.


25 – 28
31 – 32
35 – 36
Creates a word NeiLNoF MeeTMeN in MoLiMiSH – seems like ‘’A man named Neilnof meet men in Molimish’’, assuming that ‘’Molimish’’ is a place.


13 - 16
Create a word TeaMDiSH – sounds like a ‘’team of dish’’.


29 - 30
Creates a word NoBeMS – sounds like ‘’novenas’’.


1 – 10
17 – 18
Creates a word DoTS and DoKDaVe – sounds like ‘’dots’’ and ‘’Doctor Dave’’.


37 - 38
Creates a word MaKeMoVe – sounds like ‘’make a move’’.


39 - 40
Creates a word MoBRiSe – sounds like ‘’move and rise’’.

Here is a full image of the combined memory system.


Linking thoughts

Now that we have finished translating numbers into words, and putting key bits of information into our body, we will link this altogether by using our imagination.

The feet of MaMaMeRy was accidentally cut, and NoDoNoR was found.

The DeePNeeS is running very fast.

‘’Very fast’’ is the keyword for velocity.

The man who was buried in a huge grave, speaks with a DeaDToNe Voice.

‘’huge grave'' is the keyword for area.

NeiLNoF MeeTMeN in MoLiMiSH with pressure flowing throughout his body.

‘’pressure’’ is a keyword for pressure itself.

His tank-like stomach is full of TeaMDiSH.

‘’tank-like stomach’’ is the keyword for volume.

The child is praying the NoBeMS of mama merry.

The word ‘’praying’’ is the keyword for power; prayer is powerful.

DoKDaVe discovered that tiny DoTS make a line.

‘’line’’ is a keyword for length.

The man is sick, MaKeMoVe, and get the thermometer.

The word ‘’thermometer’’ is the keyword for temperature.

MoBRiSe the energy into the universe.

‘’energy’’ is a keyword for energy itself.


Congratulations! You have now successfully memorized the 40 number keys with corresponding conversion factors.

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This post is part of my study library.
Image source for the human cartoon image: cdn.pixabay.com

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