Importance of teaching different languages ​​to children from an early age.

The ideal stage to learn all kinds of subjects is in childhood, since children are considered sponges, which absorb all kinds of knowledge or information that is taught. Although we believe that children do not understand us or that they are very young, we are wrong because it is demonstrated that if values ​​and varied themes are inculcated at an early age, children are more receptive and can put into practice everything they acquire when they grow up .

Because of this, it is considered that it is the best scenario to teach languages ​​to children, it may not all seem like a good idea and. It can be complicated at first, but the children are amazing, the key of all is to use the necessary tools to teach the children and learn in the best way possible with readings, activities inside and outside the home, and especially games, while the child have more fun take more interest and learn.


Ideal time to teach another language to children.

Since the child is inside the womb of the mother is already expanding all their senses, so you can begin to transmit information of interest, once this is out, the brain is already collecting information from the world around him for be able to prepare to the different situations that he will have to live. In the first 10 months of life, the child already manages to understand in his own way that you exist different ways of speaking, and even if you do not understand most of the things that are said to you, your brain is activated and prepared.

This indicates that we must introduce the different languages ​​that we want to impart to the baby in a natural way. It is best that family members who have contact with the baby begin to speak with different languages, we can also help to reinforce learning with educational videos, songs, dances and games in English for those who want their children to learn English or vice versa , being aware that English is the most widely used language in the world.


Benefit of children learning other languages.

  • Children who learn a foreign language at a young age are more fluent in the future, contrary to those children over eight, as they begin to lose some ability to hear and reproduce new sounds as they did when they were younger, they can learn the language well but it will be a little more complicated.
  • Children who learn new languages ​​have better skills in critical thinking, attitude in solving problems, greater mental flexibility, better creativity and memory capacity, all this helps in the academic and personal performance of the child.
  • Bilingual people have access to more resources and knowledge, can travel to know other countries, their cultures and expand their circle of friendship, since they can communicate fluently unlike a person who does not know another language will have difficulty to develop or communicate.
  • At present it is important to know other languages. In the future this can generate great benefits at a personal and professional level, since you can expand your work areas obtaining great benefits.


Funny learning.

There are different methods to teach children, and you should always look for the most practical, and suitable for them to learn in a fun and motivating way. There is no impossible subject to overcome but an inadequate method. It is not the same to learn in front of a paper of strange words that to use games, stories, or songs. It is important that parents do not impose and force children to learn another language, they must create love for what they do, in addition to informing children of the great benefits of learning another language in their formation and growth.



It is important that parents provide all the best opportunities for their children to learn and can exploit all their abilities in different areas, in the same way they can grow more confident, happy and able to meet their goals and dreams.



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