You Say You Support Local Art???

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You may say you support local music and art, but did you know support isn't just showing up at a show when you have time. These are people pursuing their dreams. They hustle day and night. Their pay for their time is way below minimum wage if they get paid at all. I know what you are thinking, "Great, now you are asking me to give more money to starving artists" Actually, we all understand that budgets are tight and we have very little time as it is now.

As a producer and promoter, I've seen these talented artists going to great lengths for one single thing. Exposure!!! They want to be heard and seen. That $5-$15 you spend on a show may help them buy a sandwich or vegan taco the next day, but does it really help them toward their end goal? The answer is very little.

I'll make this really easy for you. If you want to support local artists. Like & FOLLOW their social media pages and share their upcoming shows on your Facebook timeline, Twitter accounts, Instagrams and Snapchats. When you have 250-1000 blasting social media about a show it can have a real impact. When your artist releases a video, track or a photo of their painting SHARE THE SHIT OUT OF IT!!! Check out their artist pages and share them on all your social media platforms. Lastly, talk to other people about their stuff. Find one song or art piece you like and talk about it to others.

If you LIKE>FOLLOW>SHARE it's going to help a lot more than that $5 in your pocket and guess what, it will take less time than it took for you to make that $5. If you really want to be that cool kid that supports local art do both, but at the least LIKE>FOLLOW>SHARE.

I Love You All

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