Enabling E-democracy and Liquid Democracy For All Humanity

Liquid democracy, also known as “delegative democracy,” is a form of democratic control whereby an electorate vests voting power in delegates of their independent choosing. The term is a generic description of either already existing or proposed popular-control apparatuses.

Liquid democracy includes both methods of representative and direct democracy processes. Voters may delegate their votes to proxy representatives if they do not wish to vote themselves. Proxy representatives can be anybody who are part of the liquid democracy process being undertaken.

Some argue that direct democracy is too complicated on its own because not everybody may be well informed enough about matters being voted on. Also, people are not able to be available to take part in the voting process all the time. There is also the infamous claim that direct democracy can lead to “Mob Rule” mentality. However, in a representative democracy elected officials tend to be difficult to be held accountable for their decisions and infamously lead to all sorts of corruption. In representative systems, we are only able to vote for politicians to make decisions in our stead. If there are not politicians running that represent our values we must compromise to whatever the values of the politicians running for office are.

In today's world, the process of liquid democracy can extend even further with online web-based voting interfaces. There are many web-based interfaces used for democracy that is not limited to liquid democracy programs called e-democracy. There are some examples of e-democracy software that use liquid democracy are Liquid Feedback, Follow My Vote, and a newly-developed software through Google called Google Votes. These all may revolutionize the way the voting in the world is undertaken for good.

Throughout human history, societies have proven to be molded by the ages of technological developments they exist in. Societies organize around the tools and which are most convenient for them to utilize in each age. For example the Industrial Ages and Agricultural Ages of humanity.

Let's talk about Google Votes, a new software being developed by the Google corporation. Google Votes is currently being implemented on Google+ corporate social media. Over the past three years, Google has been testing this software and gathering the analytics from its usage. From its appearance, the software appears to be similar to the Liquid Feedback software. There's nothing saying however the Google folder is open source, it is highly unlikely.

When and if Google decides to release Google Voter for public use it has the potential to revolutionize social media decision-making worldwide. People would be able to easily self-organize and use very effective methods of this liquid democracy process to organize and make decisions. It is inspiring to think that someday in the near future users of social media platforms may be able to have access to this kind of tool. It is especially exciting because Google+ is an established social media that has been operating for years.

Liquid Feedback as an open-source software developed in Germany. Open source means that the software is available for anybody to use completely free of charge. It means it is open for new developers to add on to the software’s coding. Liquid Feedback offers a social network setting where users are able to create profiles. Liquid Feedback has been on the forefront of modern online liquid democracy processes. It is widely accepted and even used to conduct voting and political parties around the world. Most famously known to use the Liquid Feedback software has been the Pirate Party who rally around things such as net neutrality and direct democracy

The Pirate Party is a political party founded in Sweden in 2006. The party was founded in wake of the Pirate Bay peer to peer sharing network raid. The party is now expanded its reach to many countries around the world. It is been successful in acquiring seats in parliament in countries such as Germany, Iceland, Sweden.

In April 2016, the Pirate Party was projected to be the number one political party and Iceland. National elections were held October 29th, 2016 resulting in the Pirates Party falling short from becoming the largest political party in Iceland’s Parliament, but gained seven seats from their previous three seats giving them 10 total. This officially put them as the third largest political party in Iceland. If the Pirate Party had taken the political throne of Iceland they would have made it a point to implement online direct democracy for national voting.

Follow My Vote is a software for voting that uses a system to keep voting secure called blockchain technology. In the system, it creates a way for the server to be decentralized making it non-corruptible. Using it on government levels would make voting access far greater than ever enabling people to vote from their smart phones, computers, and other electronic devices. This system is being looked at by many countries around the world and is currently in the process of further testing it software for corporate use.

Amazingly Follow My Vote’s blockchain technology voting methods are even more secure than voting methods that we use in the United States today. If countries are not about to lead the way using third-party technologies like Follow My Vote to make voting more accessible and secure we really must take it upon ourselves as people in our respective organizations in our respective corporations in our respective grassroots town hall meetings etc to take the flag and run with it.

R.I.P.A.C. standing for the “Representative Initiatives Political Action Committee” intends on using liquid democracy through software such as Liquid Feedback and Follow My Vote in the decision-making processes for the Super PAC.

The idea is to use the system to vote on what initiatives to focus on for the political Super PAC. RI.P.A.C. was uniquely founded as a co-operative organization in which its members practice democracy one member one vote for policy decisions for internal governance.

It is a dream to think and worth fighting for that we can implement e-democracy and liquid democracy systems on national levels. Certainly, this dream is worth pursuing and pushing. Together we can implement through R.I.P.A.C. e-democracy system with liquid democracy functions that work on all governance of the United States of America. The most viable third party e-democracy system we are looking to implement on wide scales for governance of all kinds would have to be the Follow My Vote software.

If you visit our site we have models of legislation for e-democracy governance for New York City & the State of California. The model legislation for New York City can be implemented by any American cities who have charter amendment processes and their government. In the model legislation for the State of California, we recommend to use third party or to create a State-owned e-democracy software. Money has been given through the Voting Act to supplement the cost for implementing such a system for the state's voting processes.

We at R.I.P.A.C. ask you the people to join us to help provide input on these pieces of model legislation. Please check out our links to the model legislation. Soon we will have the ability to up and down vote both model legislation to decided what the collective of R.I.P.A.C. will predominantly focus on pushing forward. We are at the forefront of the movement to enable e-democracy and liquid democracy for all humanity. United we stand divided we fall. Let's raise e-democracy to a world standard starting with our backyard first in the United States of America right now!

This is a block-chain archive of the revolutionary content organized at https://ripac.us/solutions/initiative/

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