In life people are made to believe lots of diverse things, some people are of the opinion that the best way to make money is to have a stable job that pays by the end of the month (salary) or the one that pay daily or weekly (wages) and then once the money is gotten they can pay bills and live on whatever is left.
Some other people believe in going into personal business that brings in money as the business flourishes and with that they can live a comfortable life.

While all of these may be correct, in my own opinion, the best way to become wealthy without stress is through what I call wise investment. Yeah, wise investment because some investment could prove to be unwise. Some personal business could be a form of investment while others might not seem so.
There are various investment nowadays that involve the hard currency, such as forex trading, buying of shares and bonds which has turned lots of people into millionaire overnight.
Here is the good news, we all know that buying cryptocurrency is a form of investment, but then in then article I will be sharing with you how you can invest your investment on EDC block chain, simply known as leasing on the EDC block chain


You would like to ask me what this leasing is all about and how it works. It involves investing your EDC token for a particular duration on the EDC block chain while earning a certain percentage of the leased token credited daily into your EDC wallet and at the end of the leasing period, the leased token is credited back into your EDC wallet in full.

How does it work?

EDC Block chain operates by what is called LEASED PROOF OF STAKES PROTOCOL (LPoS) algorithm. The LPoS confirms the leasing on the Block chain and then lease the EDC token to the Masternodes.
The EDC block chain users are allowed to lease their EDC token to the Masternodes hereby keeping the ecosystem running and then interests are generated and paid daily to user's wallet. The daily interest that is earned by users varies depending on the token amount leased and the duration of the leasing.

Duration of leasing and interest

The image below gives a summary of the leasing period, percentage of interest to be earned and the Returns on Investment with the example of a user who decides to lease 100,000 EDC token


The actual period of leasing could either be 3months, 6months or 1year duration and the minimum amount to be leased is 30,000 token.
The higher the rate of the token leased and duration of leasing, the higher the interest generated. A person who lease for three months duration will receive 0.27% daily interest which makes 8% at the end of a month, the person who lease for six months duration will receive daily interest of 0.33% totalling 10% at the end of a month, while the person that lease for one year will earn daily interest of 0.4% and at the end of one month will equal 12%.
For more details visit:

Leasing on the EDC platform does not end at the daily interest only, it also has the unique feature of ECROFUND

Ecrofund initiatve works as a multi-level marketing (MLM) business. This initiative allows EDC users that has leased their token on the platform to earn income by referring others to also lease token on the platform. To qualify for the MLM benefits, a first person must lease a minimum of 30,000 EDC, then that person will get a second person who will also lease at least 30,000 EDC, the second person will register the first person as his referral, then the first person will earn 10% of the earnings of the second person. The first person has the privilege of earning for the first three direct people registered under him as his referral, this is the first level earning. The earning continues to the tenth level, however, the percentage of earning decreases but with increased number of dependents, for instance, in the second level of earning, the first person earns 8% of the earnings of each person registered under him with maximum of 12 people who can register as second level.

The image below gives a detailed explanation on the ECROFUND MLM platform with example of leasing 30,000EDC and the percentage interest earned at each level


Earning on EDC block chain

Every earning on the EDC block chain, either for the direct leasing or the Ecrofund MLM is credited directly into user's EDC wallet automatically.

EDC block chain has gained lots of popularity and news of it is still spreading far and wide due to it's wise initiative of earning while investing. Not just gaining popularity, it is also gaining acceptance as more people are investing in it daily. The implication of this is that, the higher the demand for the EDC token the higher the token price and the better it becomes as an investment opportunity.

For more details, visit any of the link below




Whitepaper: https://blockchain.mn/wp-content/themes/blockchain/EDC_Blockchain-presentation_(EN).pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EDCBlockchain/



Telegram Channel:


EDC Blockchain wallet: ruth17

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