Why Do So Many People Feel Like They Have No Real Power?


Surplus Powerlessness

I came across this term recently and it really got me thinking, I like to spend my time writing and talking about how we need to become more empowered, looking at ways in which we can do so. But what will really bring about change in this world is when we all come together. Yet this is something that we struggle with in western society.Gone are the days of gathering food together and preparing it together.

Instead we now live in a time where we mistrust and become paranoid about others around us. Growing up believing that the only people we can really trust is ourselves.

We are living in a society that promotes competitiveness and self gain. Where it is common practice to hear people use phrases like survival of the fittest and if you can't handle how things are, then you don't deserve to be here. These are things that segregate us all, when ultimately we need to be coming together.

So many people today have been brought up believing that in order for them to succeed they need to focus on themselves and put their own needs first. Resulting in some having huge problems in trusting other people. Kids being told to buckle down and not get distracted by others. How many people automatically distrust strangers, some believe this is a normal and wise way to be. But who are we shutting out of our lives if continue to do this. To believe that if people talk to you it is only because they want something from you.


Image Source:https://www.marianuniversitysabre.com/1501/features/rise-together-against-addiction-and-assault/

Because if we continue to distant ourselves from others we will never get the opportunity to experience the power of WE.

Sure we can all make changes in our lives, but if people come together and make those changes together then it has a greater overall effect. We really need to work with others, trust others and allow ourselves to rely on others too. We have been molded in a way that has resulted in us isolating ourselves. From a young age children are send to school and segregated from other children because of age. In some places we still have same sex schools. We are encourage to socialize with those who are the same academic level as us.

We are groomed to just accept the way the world is and we are encouraged to carve our own way in the world and just get on with it.

To stop asking questions and accept that this is our lot. To not past judgement on what others are doing, to not get involved in other people's business, to leave well enough alone. This is where we stand in the world, in our own corners, not wanting to get involved. Bearing witness to so many others being oppressed and not doing anything, because life is unfair for some? This is where so many buy into their own powerlessness over circumstances, because they have been encouraged to be this way.

Image Source:http://wisdompractitioner.blogspot.com.es/2015/12/all-oppression-is-connected.html

Since when has turning a blind eye to violence and aggressive turned into you being polite because it is none of your business and it is rude to get involved in other peoples lives.

This way of life encourages us to become even more dis-empowered, because it keeps us segregated, it stops us from forming real communities that really look out for one another. I have heard some people share their idea of community living as being unrealistic and even childish, that it would never work. Is this really where we are now, that the idea of living in true communities is seen as child's play.

I remember being in school and learning about the Aztec's and their Human sacrifices, I was shocked. But today look at all the things that have been sacrificed in order for our culture to thrive. Indigenous people, their land, so many different species of animals and plants, our soil is constantly being sacrificed, our fresh water and our oceans, and we just sit back and don't get involved. Because we are living in a time of surplus powerlessness, is this really how we want to be remembered.

Isn't it time We made a Stand. Isn't time for us to come together.

What do you think?

1st Image Source:https://www.pinterest.es/pin/549650329514591118/


Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.

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