Green Quote | "More meat, more green house gases and more global warming: Less meat, less carbon emissions and a more healthier You and Earth"

#GreenQuote of the Week


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"More meat, more green house gases and more global warming: Less meat, less carbon emissions and a more healthier You and Earth"

@mr-greens 2018
Your diet is an important part of your carbon footprint and it’s very important to know that a large proportion of human emissions comes from food production with the meat industry being one of the highest producers of carbon emissions.
Scientists estimate that Agriculture is responsible for an estimated 14 percent of the world's greenhouse gases. A significant portion of these emissions come from methane, which, in terms of its contribution to global warming, is 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide.

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Did you know that cows emit a massive amount of methane through belching?

The world's 1.5 billion cows and billions of other grazing animals emit dozens of polluting gases, including lots of methane. Two-thirds of all ammonia comes from cows. The U.S. Food and Agriculture Organization says that agricultural methane output could increase by 60 percent by 2030 Times Online

This implies increase in meat consumption will mean an increase in cow production and consequently an increase in greenhouse gases production. Besides the greenhouse gas production, Cows also greatly contribute to deforestation and land degradation BUT we can change all these!

You can make a change by simply reducing the amount of meat you eat. Eating less meat will lead to a decrease in cattle production, hence a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions from the cattle industry. Eating less meat and more vegetables is good for your health and the planet’s health.

You can learn more about how Cows are changing the climate:

Check @mr-greens' #GreenQuote of the Week here:

Environmental Change, a green poem by @mr-greens

You shit, piss and pollute upstream and drink downstream. Are you not a "shithole"?
People of Mother Earth, please Change!
You pollute the air and breath the same air: isn't it insane?
Homo sapiens, change!
You litter the streets and complain about the filth.
"Chai", i beg change!
You cut the tree, eat much meat, burn the fossil and biofuels and complain about the heat but deny climate change.
Isn't this surprising? My people, change!
You reclaim the land but cry about the floods.
Where did u want the water to go to? My "contri" people change!
You want good food but promote fertilized farming.
Isn't it crazy. My brothers and sisters change!
You kill bees but till the soil and expect good harvests. "Any how e dey, change!"
You condemn and deny "canda stick" (traditional medicine) but drink modern medicine.
Where do u think the raw materials for your medicine come from? Change!
In all, you want good health in a bad environment. Well, visit a psychiatrist or Change!
The poem highlights some of the bad things we do to the environment but expect good results. We will be glad if you can make contributions and share ideas about this poem as well as propose more lines for the poem.


The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.
Founded in 2010, @thegreens have been able to use arts, sports, media and ICT to educate and engage more than 10,000 young people in Green Poetry, Green Music, Green Arts, Green Radio, and Conservation Champions League.
@thegreens have created 04 Community Tree Nurseries, planted more than 200,000 trees and is currently engaged in the Conservation of the Bamenda Highlands Forests.
@thegreens is currently engaged in Waste Management (Waste Business Hub); Plastic Waste Upcycling, Tire Upcycling and Textile Waste Recycling via @ecodesigns
Support us to continue to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.

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