Many but One!

"If you could ask God ONE question and God would give you an immediate answer what would the question be and what answer would you want to hear?"

I have barrels of questions to open before God. Everyday is a new event, happy or sad they end with mystery. When we wake from sleep and start the rat race to make money, we all pray to You to have a successful day and pray against the one entity, the devil, you sent down to us not to withhold our shine, I wonder why you didn't take him away from existence once and for all.
But that's not it...

Should we talk about how our loved ones vanish into the after life like a fart in the air when we need them the most? No reason attached, no secret letter flying down from the skies to explain why, no secret email from the gatekeeper, nothing to nurse our pains... We are left to wallow in the mystery of death despite life being a mystery of it's own.
But that's not even it....

Parents talk to their kids and brings them to order if they are going astray, like a shepherd to a sheep. But reverse seems to be the case with these parenthood. Why must we pray and then have faith just to talk to you and yet things happen the way they want. Some monks said meditation, but I try and end up thinking about the next dish or I sleep off. Why must it be tricky and hard to get your attention and reply, Father.
But that's not it...
This is it...

Am I on the right track to achieving my purpose, my destiny, my sent-to-earth goal?
I believe there's a greater purpose for each men on earth other than the hunt for riches. I would like to know if I am not wasting my time, if i haven't made decisions that hurt some people for nothing sake. I would like to know If I am closer to getting that happiness that awaits every person of good deeds. Tell me I am right, that I am a surprise to the council of elders above with you, on how i have lived my life so far, tell me that my decisions have been very positive and that I am a stone throw away from being happy.
This is my one from many questions.

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