Meet @yvesoler and learn how PLANTS and TREES PLAY MUSIC and it profound effect on educating and healing people


My road signs on my Life road

In my life, there are always a lot of "coincidences" that I do not consider as such. For me, they are a kind of road signs on my road of Life that help me navigate through it. Last weekone more of such ‘coincidence’ gave me one of the new directions to follow.

I was thinking of going to Damanhur - an amazing art and spiritual community of people in Italy that I visited several times and even wrote two articles about: Damanhur - con te * The 8 Miracle of the World or the amazing art and eco-community in Piedmont, Italy [Part 1]and Damanhur - 8th Wonder of the World or an amazing art and eco-community in Italy [Part 2]. I had this though going back over and over again and since we are in Europe now it would not be that hard to organise. So it was pretty much just athoughth until one day I suddenly read a message from @yvesoler or Tigrilla Gardenia - a resident of Damanhur, who left a comment under one of my articles about Damanhur. What a nice coincidence, right? Bear with me and you will see the full picture.


When Life brings you something just in the right time

The most interesting was not a message itself, but WHO wrote it.The fact is that when I initially planned articles about Damanhur I had an idea of the trilogy in my head. But I wrote only 2 articles and life moved on. I jumped to something else, and them again something else…I went to different countries and the third article somehow was not ever written. And I believe that the meeting with @yvesoler was my sign to finally do it. Lets me explain why.

Initially, my idea for the third part of a trilogy was to be about one of the most amazing experiences I have ever got in my life in connection to Trees and Plants world.

This special experience is my visit to The Sacred Wood Temple in Damanhur and LISTENING to A TREE PLAYING MUSIC as part of a program called Music of the Plants.

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Yes, yes, TREES and PLANTS not only can PLAY MUSIC but can communicate with us through it - scroll down to videos above if you can’t really believe it.

And you know what?? @yvesoler is ONE of the activists who is the part of the research team in Damanhur for Music of Plants. Can you believe it? What are the odds of such a thing that you will be contacted by a person, while you are thinking of going to the place and moreover this person would represent the field you had a plan to write about??

Let’s face it - sometimes you just can’t ignore such “coincidences”. So I thought that my time has come - the time to finally write the third part of a trilogy, to finish the cycle I started long ago and uncover one more amazing part of this multidimensional world called Damanhur - the world of The Sacred Woods Temple, Music of the Plants and the amazing harmony of Humans and the Nature that can be achieved.

And it seems the Universe again was smarter than I. It always is.
The time is so perfect as @yvesoler put her own calling for helping her team to go further in their research that I think now is just the right time for me to support her call with this article. Such an interesting "coincidence", don’t you think?

So please welcome @yvesoler and bare with me to have a look into the fantastic world she and her team live.

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The magic world of trees

Tree is your friend, you can always ask it to support you
My grandmother

I remember when being a child my grandmother taught me how to "interact" with trees.

”Go to the tree, put one of your palms on its trunk and ask permission whether you can contact it. Trees are alive - they have a soul "

she would say and continue:

"And if you feel that there is a response, the feeling of warmth of almost unnoticeable etching in your palm, then the permission is given and you can lean your back and stand so for a few minutes.”


Me interacting with a majestic tree in Berlin’s Botanical Garden

I still feel that magical moments I had and there is voice of my wise granny still echoes in my head:

Say “thank you” to a tree for letting you connect with it. Gratitude is a form of expressing LOVE.

I miss my grandmother sometimes but I know that she lives in me with all this knowledge she shared and sense of awareness she grew in me. She helped me to learn a world of the Nature, she was my guide with my first steps on this path and the rest the World of Plants would teach me itself.

So I learned to “feel” the trees. Each of them had its own characteristic impulse, which I felt - some had it stronger, someone had it less strong but important that I learned to “feel” it. And it was the trees that taught me to “feel” the plants.

I have many of my rules on which I communicate with the living world, which I may someday write another article, but here, I will share only a few things that are important to me.

I always talk to them, I tell them what happens, that I love them and I would like them to be healthy and strong. When I have to cut branches or transplant them into a new pot, I always talk to them, I let them know that it's for their own good, and that I'm really their friend.

And yet it was with me for a long time, there were times I would doubt it, I would ask myself if I am not crazy to “feel” the world the way I felt it? I read about various studies on this topic, such as book “The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate — Discoveries From a Secret World.” by Peter Wohlleben, a German Forest Ranger, but when I visited Damanhur last year my doubts has vanished forever.

First, I was not the only one who “feels” the plants. Second I was showed a way how people and plants co-existed in the manner I have never seen before!


What is The Sacred Woods Temple?

It's really difficult for me to describe the versatility of The Sacred Woods Temple. As @yvesoler and other Damanhurians say, and Damnhur at large and The Sacred Woods Temple in particular has multiple levels and each of us would be able to see different dimensions.

If we talk about the space itself - this is the territory that is located directly above the underground Temples of Humankind which many people consider one of the most spiritual places and the Eighth Wonder of the World. (You can read more here).

The Temples of Humankind Plan. They are buried 30 metres underground with total area about 6 thousand cubic meters. The height is comparable to the height of a modern 11-storey building.Image Source

Inside The Temples of Humankind.The Hall of the Earth. The Temples of Humankind in Damanhur, Italy. Image Source

The trees of the woods are considered to be the "hair" of the Temples—if only as a poetic metaphor, and because of the energetic connection that unites these two sacred sites.
words (c) Damanhur. Source

The territory of The Sacred Woods Temple is huge and includes a lot of zones, although as not a member of a community you can visit only some of them.

At the entrance to The Sacred Woods Temple you are met by labyrinths of multi-colored stones and 3 colored pyramids, which according to the Damanhurians they use for information translation and multiple experiments. If you want, you can ask for the opportunity to meditate in one of them and if at that time it will be free, then you will be allowed to this experience.

(c) Damanhur. The entrance to The Sacred Woods Temple. Image Source

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(c) Damanhur. The Sacred Woods Temple. Closer look to the PitamidsImage Source

The The Sacred Woods Temple has its own Welcome Tree, witch you would be asked to great in any appropriate form to you and put your hand on his trunk allowing you to connect to the energy of the place.

This amazing place is full of labyrinths and spirals, and each of them has its own purpose. You can walk some of them and would be guided for the best way to do it. In some of them you can go only spirally, without crossing the border, then in others - you are allowed to do what you want.

(с) Damanhur. One of the labirints and The Music of Plants devise which women uses to interact with Plants around Image Source

(c) Damanhur. More labirints in the Sacred Wood Temple. Image Source

(c) Damanhur. People waking a spiral labirinth in The Sacredd Wood Temple. Image Source

The inhabitants of Damanhur use The Sacred Woods Temple for various purposes. First, almost every resident of the community has his own tree-friend. He/she can come there anytime and has a special connection to it. It is believed that this creates an amazing relationship between a tree and a human.

The Sacred Woods Temple is an important part of connecting with yourself and is used in various ceremonies and rituals, especially ritual dances and meditations.

(c) Damanhur. @yvesoler holding a picture explaining Tree orientation - one of the initiatives Damanhurians launched in 2011 to help connection humans and trees.

(c) Damanhur. Sacred Dance in The Sacred Wood Forest

But perhaps one of the most incredible experiences that you can experience here - is to hear The Music of Plants or simply say to listen to a plant or a tree making music with the use of a special device.

There is a short interview published by Crystal Castle Byron Bay where @yvesoler herself explains what The Music of Plants is.

(c)Crystal Castle Byron Bay


Music of a Tree as your connector to the Wholeness - my personal experience

Tears come to my eyes when I recall that wonderful moment when I first came into contact with this unusual phenomenon. Passing through a vast territory, we approached one of the trees and quietly settled around on the grass, while our guide took out the device - the development of the inhabitants of Damanhur and "connected" it to the trunk of a huge strong tree.

The Music of the Plants U1 devise - a medium what allow us to listen to the music a Plant creates.Image Source

The new devise made from Baboo which aims to be available from spring 2018. Image Source

At that moment everyone went quiet and even a small child who was carried by his my and being noisy before quoted intuitively catching that something magical was about happening. At first, strange rattles and sounds were heard from the speaker, which was nothing similar to music, but the next second we heard further is simply impossible to describe ...

Our entire group of about 10 people was sitting quietly as possible, seeming to be afraid even to breath not to disturb the magic of this moment. But that was not the end. Our guide asked each of us to take turns to approach the tree, putting our palms to its trunk - and then the real magic began. The tree responded to each person in different ways - the range of notes that it used was completely different for EACH of us! As if it was able to understand our soul, our deep feelings and express it with the help of musical sounds! Some people even cried, some smiled quietly but we all have emerged into something absolutely magical worlds can’t really describe!

I remember how I approached this majestic giant, as I asked his permission to interact with it and how I first heard the sounds of his response. I remember standing there, I felt such harmony and unity with this fantastic creature, which I believe I can hardly ever translate into words. My spine was resonating with it, I felt the tips of my fingers vibrating as if I tough something which has electric power in it. I was not insane after all, the world of Trees was alive and now I just found a way to interact with it in a new astonishing way - I could feel through music now.

I remember how quietly I returned to my place, as I sat down on the grass, I buried my face to my knees and quietly sipped - the beauty of the moment and the strength of this forest just overwhelmed me.

I felt a huge vibration in my body, which seemed to come from the Earth on which I sat and passed through me to the sky. I felt the pulsing of Life around me. I was connected with it and that was this amazing Tree that made it happened.

It was the gift of this tree to me and I would like to give it the gift in return by finally writing about this experience in my life. My hope is that it will affect the hearts of others and change their outlook on these wonderful creatures that surround us.

You can listen to 1300-year-old tree from the garden of the famous prophet and healer Prepodobna Stoyna near the town of Melnik in Bulgaria PLAYING MUSIC on this video:

(c) Music of the Plants. Damanhur

You can also head to The Music of Plants Soundcloud to listen to some of the fantastic soundtracks.

Just stop for a while and just emerge yourself with this world of beautiful sounds!


Music that UNITES plants and humans.

I found a Youtube video by Bruce Starr who shared the experience he had in The Sacred Woods Temple so you can get the better understanding of what I get through and see how it works into more details.

(c) Bruce Starr

People around the world experiment with Music of the Plant devise as they try to go deeper n our understanding of the Plant world.

You can check the effect of a human arm touching the Plant:

(c) Music of the Plants. Damanhur

They try to see what is going to happen if you give a Plant a hug:

(c) Music of the Plants. Justin Wiggan and SUBPAC project

But one of my favorite part of this experiments is the way how they try to create a beautiful collaboration between and the world of plants and humans and perform music TOGETHER.

(c) Music of the Plants. Raeul Pierard and a young Kawakawa tree playing in New Zealand.

I hope one day we will see all people collaborate with nature the way Raeul Pierard does!

There are more fantastic videos - just go to Music of Plants Youtube Channel.

If you want to experience this fantastic experience there is no need to go to Italy - check out the list of partners Music of the Plants has around the world and see if there is one close to you.


Music which not only Unites but EDUCATES and HEALS

Apart from my personal experience with Music of Plants which I described above, I heard a lot of fantastic stories and read articles how it helped people to realize the fantastic unity humans have the Plant word.

This project started as an experiment almost 40 years ago. Damanhurians were able to put all of their findings in their fantastic device - the Music of the Plants U1- that made it possible for us to really able to connect with Nature. It made it possible to show to many people the new reality that can exist then people and Nature are in harmony.

Music of the Plant team and community members still continue to make new experiments and run research in different areas.

Some of the people like Edoardo Taori and Federica Zizzari found their path traveling around the world, sharing the plant intelligence in hope to create awareness amongst human beings about plant consciousness and respect for every form of life. At the same time this journey had been a source of new knowledge and beautiful compositions of music of oldest trees in the world.

Some people like Marina L. Levitina from Ireland uses the Music of the Plants to educate children about wild world. Others like Henry Mentink from The Netherlandsare educated themselves by a young child who intuitively knows that you need to hold your hands close to the plant so it can feel you and the music starts.

Some of the people like me and Jen Frey feel that they are connected to the something very magical and feel that Plant teach them different dimensions of Love and co-existence with Nature.

With the aid of the device, I am learning how to work in co-creative partnership with the Plants. The device also makes it even easier for me (and others) to connect to Plants (something that is as natural as breathing, we’ve just forgotten how to do it). Then there are those incredible magical moments, where the device, really the music from the Plants allows everything to transform and it feels like I am in a different world and am able to tap into a deeper wisdom.
Jen Frey Source

Others, like patients of Centrum Voor evolugrafie, Belgium claim to speed up the healing process.

Music of the plants brings an atmosphere of tranquility. After the second session with the music, I felt vibrations in my upper legs. In the following session, I felt the vibrations through both legs full, up in to my toes. My legs are more flexible and I can walk better. When the music is louder, I feel the vibrations more in my legs. In this way, my walking pattern improves very fast.
says CS, Belgian, 26 years old, diagnosis: diplegie (sided paralysis of the legs). Source

I believe that as all it is always in life, each of us will find something for him/herself in this world of Plants what creates this beautiful music!


Call for Steemians to help @yvesoler to bring more attention to Music of the Plants and help her team in their further research.

I believe in the power of small steps one can make to help a world become a better place! And today my step is to write this article in hope that it will touch people hearts and they will help to spread the world about this absolutely beautiful initiative around the world.

If you like me passionate about creating a better world, where people and Nature co-exist and co-create please consider this call for helping @yvesoler and her project growth on Steemit.

This is my call to Steemians


to have a look on @yvesoler Steemit profile and consider to follow her and the latest news of Music of Plants if it is something that resonates with you.


to support the initiative she wrote about What's the Price we Pay for Windowless Offices? and consider to contribute to her calling - Support Plant Music Research


to Re-STEEM this post or/and the post by @yvesoler more people can hear about her and her wonderful project.


If you think this post deserves it, please feel free to UP-VOTE it.
All the payouts from this post I will be transferring to @yvesoler to support her project's growth on Steemit.


You can help to spread a world about this amazing project outside Steemit. You can visit The Music of the Plants web-page , Youtube, Twitter, Soundcloud

For me @yvesoler is an example of a person who changes the world every day and this is my honor to contribute what I have to make her dream one small step closer!

Sharing is caring!

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With love,

Sasha Genji


I support @ecotrain project, which also use #ecotrain.
Join @ecoTrain Discord to connect with our wonderful and supportive community!



I have also recently discovered a fantastic supportive community of Tribe Global Love and I am honored to help them to spread their LOVE to the world!


💕💕💕💕💕If you interested to know more about Damanhur, in general, please feel free to read my older posts.💕💕💕💕💕

Damanhur - con te * The 8 Miracle of the World or the amazing art and eco-community in Piedmont, Italy [Part 1]

Image (c) Damanhur /em>
When you travel, you face things you have not seen before. The way different people live, their art, the language they speak - everything surprises you with its novelty. But there are times when you come across something that in many ways exceeds your understanding of the world you live in. Today I ask you to join me in my trip to one of such places in Piedmont, Italy. The place called The Federation of Damanhur (or more often called Damanhur).


Damanhur - 8th Wonder of the World or an amazing art and eco-community in Italy Part 2.

Image (c) Damanhur /em>

We continue our excursion into the wonder-world of a small settlement located in the town of Vidracco, in Piedmont, Italy. In my last post Damanhur - con te * a new world or an amazing art and eco-community in Italy Part 1 I described the story of my acquaintance with this amazing place, and today I would like to continue with the story of my visit there.This story has admiration for completely different things, which I did not expect at all, a bit also disillusioning from my blind love to it. Mostly it is a reflection of my experience of interaction with this place. Read and get yours (who knows maybe you will visit it one day).

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