How to Mango Tree Transplant To Be Fruitful Fast

Have you ever seen a mango tree that is not too big / tall, but already bear fruit, even bushy? in a neighbor's yard for example, or even on a mango plantation?

Maybe my friend was wondering, why so? who would have thought, the secret is by way of graft.

Actually grafting is what the hell? What are the benefits?

Well, on this occasion, I'll divulge the secret of how to transplant from start nursery, care, until planting process, let's be listened!

How to Transplant a Mango Tree
Grafting is an artificial vegetative propagation method that can help multiply plants that are the same as mango trees. Grafting is also a way of cultivation to get a quality mango fruit.

In practice, the grafting process is done by removing the cambium layer, why? because the cambium plays a major role in the formation of xylem and phloem. If the layer of cambium is cleaned, then the food substances contained in the leaves at the top of the incision will not flow down or roots that will accumulate absent and carbohydrates, then the media used soil auksin and carbohydrates will stimulate the emergence of roots on the stem section of the incision.

The growth of trees that are not too large and can produce fruit faster, became one of the advantages of the method of graft. That is why at this time the average fruit seedlings or young plants that are ready to plant is produced by grafting. Likewise with a mango tree.

Some Questions About Transplantation

When is the right time to transplant?

Actually grafting can be done anytime, but in the rainy season will be better because it can help keep the media moisture until new roots appear.

Is there a Limit in Grafting a Mango Tree?

In order not to damage should not be done transplant in large quantities because it will damage or disrupt the growth of the tree.

Mango (mangifera indica) can be considered a favorite fruit that everyone likes, especially Indonesians.

You can breed your own at home to produce a fruitful and tasty mango tree that is by graft method.

In order to produce a good mango tree, there are several things to know before grafting a mango tree, including:

Advantages of grafting mango
Benefits of grafting mango trees include:

  • The mango grub tree will have the same characteristics as the broodstock so if the sapling is sweet or tasty, then the result of the grafts will have the same taste of sweet or delicious mango fruit as well.
  • In terms of quality and production of the fruit will be the same as the parent.
  • Mango trees will result in faster transplantation than mango trees grown using seeds.
  • The level of success is higher so it is advisable for my friend who want to do business mango fruit.

Good Mango Criteria for grafting
Some people do not pay much attention to good mango trees, so do not be surprised that the transplants are not good, even dead (fail). this is the importance of choosing mango breeders before grafting.

Good breeders are derived from productive mango trees and select sticks that are not scratched or injured.

1.A Productive Trees

A productive breed is a tree that produces many fruits, sweet mangoes and good growth. In other words free from disease.


The purpose of selecting a productive breeder, in order to produce a fruitful and fast-growing mango tree.

This is a stem that has grown or at least 2 years old broodstock, so the stem is ready to be grafted and has been proven the results of its production.

2.Strong stems, no blisters or cuts
You can see if there are cuts or bruises on the skin of the stem. Besides, whether the stem strong and sturdy.

When peeling the skin of the stem will appear fluid around the exfoliation. The liquid comes from the cambium to be found on the transplant method. The liquid should be silenced first until it dries.
Equipment and materials for transplantation

Tools and materials that need to be prepared are:

  • Knife shears
  • Manure: a mixture of arable soil: sawdust, with a ratio of 1: 1: 1.
  • String of raffia
  • Coir coconut / fibers, bamboo tubes, clear plastic to bind.
  • Chairs / stairs (adjust if branch is too high)


Easy Steps of Grafting Mango

  • Make sure the plant landlings come from superior varieties.
  • Choose a branch branch that is large enough and straight so strong to be independent.
  • Stick the stem with a knife with a wound length of about 5-10 cm.


  • Clean the cambium and sap inside the stem by typing it.
  • After that wait until it is completely dry or not slippery again.
  • Give stimulants grow like clonnex or fertilizer mainstay buddy, on the rod that has been caught.
  • Take some fertile ground and then head and shy on the stem in the square brackets earlier. Make sure all the rods are perfectly covered with soil.


  • Wrap by using a sanitary napkin (clear plastic or coco fiber).
  • Flush the stalks every day on a regular basis, morning and afternoon to keep moisture.
  • Within a period of 2 to 4 months the roots have begun to grow.
  • Open the plastic wrap, then the grafts can be planted on polybags and wait until the leaves and small twigs appear.
  • If the leaves have grown, the grafts can already be moved to the ground.

How easy is not it? Now you can have your own mango gardens at home. Do not forget to give fertilizer and water flush routinely, so the results can be better again.

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