Chanting to Calibrate Our Lives | Remembering That All Life Is Sacred

In a world with all the busyness, materialism and EMF pollution (electromagnetic frequencies), it can be a challenge to really honor and focus on the divine aspects of existence. Chanting is a great way to do this.


As we wrote about earlier, we committed to a 40 day mantra and meditation practice. Synchronistically @eco-alex wrote about chanting and meditation soon after we began and we are pleased to see more content on the topic being created and shared. We’ve been chanting the short form of the Gayatri mantra and meditating twice daily for 32 days. This only takes an hour total but WOW, what a good use of an hour!

This is a great example of @eco-alex chanting the Gayatri with Tibetan singing bowls, very peaceful! Give it a listen!


Chanting is a way to connect with the universal life-force and physiologically tune in to the divine nature of existence.

Tune in to what? The essence of peace, health and vitality that is everywhere all the time.

Letting go and reprogramming

For us the Gayatri mantra practice has reminded us of parts of ourselves that have been slightly neglected the past few years. In the hustle to get our needs met on a newly settled piece of property, we’ve been in action mode for many moons and have not paid much attention to our subtle receptive healing arts. This 40 day practice came at the perfect time to bring in some healing and rejuvenation!

Chanting is helping us drop in deeper to the more subtle aspects of existence.


These ancient syllables carry vibrations that go way back in time. These ancient mantras were divinely inspired and delivered to humans who had done their spiritual work!

By chanting this ancient mantra we are leveraging the cosmic vibrations and bringing them into our lives. But what does that look like?

Daily chanting has restored a deeper sense of gratitude and connection, brought us into a more loving and creative space and reminded us of the “bigger picture” that is constantly unfolding.

This doesn’t mean we’re radiant beings of pure love all the time! Far from it! What it has done is guiding us more in that direction though by allowing our hearts to open while inviting in the divine. We have noticed we are feeling more “in the flow” and more in line with our purpose on Earth, which is always a great feeling! It is many subtle feelings that make up the effects of the mantra, but it certainly feels good.


Tuning in

We are beings of water and are naturally highly mutable, adaptable and influenced by our surrounding (unless we’ve fully achieved the spiritual superpower of equanimity). What goes on around us affects us on a deep level. I think about the work of Masaru Emmoto who wrote “The Secrets of Water”. He took microscopic pictures of water crystals exposed to different words, chants or emotions. The results are truly remarkable and need no explanation.


What we are doing through chanting is tuning our bodies to a certain frequency. In the case of the Gayatri, we are basically honoring and naming all states of consciousness and asking that our intellect be illuminated. We are setting the intention to become more whole, more connected and filled with light.

Daily effects

What we both notice is a more peaceful approach to the day after chanting and a sharpened sense of creativity and inspiration. It is helping us both reframe our outlooks of our lives both on and off the homestead and to go throughout the day in a more relaxed manner.

Personally I am finding that I am more grateful for the things around me, and more able to focus on the gifts of life. I have noticed more synchronicities occurring and have a greater overall sense of well-being. It’s a positive feedback loop because the better I feel, the better I will be able to take care and share love. I’m also noticing that I’m more inclined to play music.

Nothing Lost

There’s nothing to lose by chanting and everything to gain. I’d recommend chanting to everyone. Your mantra can be anything really. Choose a word, phrase or more traditional mantra that suites and attracts you. Although the Sanskrit (and other ancient tongues for that matter) syllables do carry a certain resonance and harmony. that is way beyond my understanding.

The most important element of mantra is intention.

We will be continuing to chant and are excited to see where it takes us. Thanks for taking the time to read. We look forward to seeing your chanting affects others.


This post was written by a passenger of the ever-enlivening and inspiring #ecotrain! Check the tag for more insights on chanting and eco-living.

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