How things and people can come together when you least expect it

I was going to do my usual Monthly author crypto post, but just didn't 'feel it' today. My mind's been boiling over and I have to let it out somehow, so here we go.
Since I 'discovered' crypto and later joined Steemit in June, my life has changed in the most incredible ways, and it still is. Just like the world changes quickly - faster than some can keep up with it seems sometimes - I see changes here on Steemit and daily life every day.

When I first joined Steemit, I didn't have a clue what to expect. I knew I loved the idea to be able to write whatever I choose and be able to acquire money to do it. But I didn't know just how much impact it would have on my life.
Swimming in an endless ocean of little fish, with a few dolphins and even fewer whales, strangely enough I never felt like the odd fish in the sea. For the first time ever. Anywhere I go, I usually feel like a bit of an odd one, a stranger among people who seem to all have things in common, when I'm the one that doesn't.
I have never had that feeling here.

Communities built and building

In the very short time I have been here, I have felt a strong sense of community boiling up. There were little communities that had already formed and there were a few that formed while I was already swimming around.
I am proud to say that I have connected with what I think to be the most awesome and genuine people here and I am honoured to be involved in a few initiatives that formed here on Steemit.

The most important initiative that I am involved with to me is @familyprotection.
Since recently, I also write a little bit for @ecotrain and I am a member 'in slumber' of @thesteemengine. I say in slumber, because I haven't produced any work for them lately, but that doesn't mean it will stay that way.

While writing, being and just connecting with all these different people in these different initiatives, I discovered that some people from one initiative are also active in another one of these. I am very excited about that, since I feel that we all share the same kind of passion for these initiatives and it is great to see them all connecting.
It's like the pieces of a puzzle coming all together and suddenly it all makes sense.

And then there was Steem Free Press

I was lucky to see a post by @tonyr about his idea for Steem Free Press. A 'real life' magazine to be realized by Steemians to be put out in the real world. I saw the post and responded. See, I don't believe in dumb luck - although there are some lucky dumb bastards out there lol - I believe that there are very good reasons why we are where we are right that moment. And right that moment, I had a very good reason to be where I was: reading this post about @steemfreepress.

And just when I thought I couldn't be more excited about any other project than I was before, there it was.
Just like that, like Nick here:

Now, ideas are flowing, good - no - AWESOME people are coming together from smaller communities to build something even greater, together.
And I am proud and honoured to be part of that. The world is moving fast, but so are we. Together we are changing the world as it is today. Believe me, you'll see.

To all those here of the initiatives and beyond, who accept me for who I am and let me be part of something amazing:
Thank you! I could make a list of people, but the list would be too long. I think you know who you all are.

For those who have never heard of the initiatives I spoke about, now is the time to check them out.

Please support @familyprotection, the work they do is for the protection of families who are dealing with CPS. The authors share their personal experiences with CPS, or that of friends/family and expose what these government agencies do all over the world. Since I heard of it first, I now believe we finally have the possibility to change something and help those who are targeted.


A group of awesome and inspiring people who write from the heart and support others to do the same


Gif by @mental-extract




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