The Golden Nuggets: Highlights of the ecoTrain tag this week!


If you've ever panned for gold, you'll know that it settles - either as flakes or nuggets in a fast moving stream. And the #ecotrain tag is rapidly becoming a fast moving rainy-season stream, with a LOT of new contributors and an increasingly diverse range of content flowing on through our newsfeeds. Our "Nuggets" each week is our way of bringing you new contributors, of sharing some gold from the week, and of showcasing all that the ecotrain is about.

@ecotrain is a artisan-hand-curated community built around the concept of gift economy and actively making our world a better place. Each week @eco-alex and @artemislives scour the steemit blockchain for people using the tag, and upvote-comment-curate in the best way they know how.


Upvote this Nuggets curation and our featured posts if you can. Comment, resteem this curation and a few of the posts. Follow, engage and enjoy.


I Was Created To Create


"Everything in nature creates, it is our creations that connect us to nature, because they connect us to self. Think about how your energy changes, when you actually get to express yourself fully. When you tap into your creative side. Then think about how you are releasing that energy, out into the world and how that connects you with so many other people. Think about the doors of opportunity that open up for you when you are creative."
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Coming Across A Wonderful Person


"The one thing he said in the very beginning of the conversation is See Nainaz, nothing is impossible, if you believe in this we can work wonderfully and bring the desired change."
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Daily Green Giveaway 296: Win A Huge Upvote


@ecotrain loves and supports those people working alongside us in the trenches of upvoting great eco-green content. Very much appreciating @gogreenbuddy
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We Graduated Two Eco-Fashion Entrepreneurs


"Initially we had just one sewing machine when we created ecoDesigns but our Green Elders, Papa J and Mama J bought us one machine and with just two machines, we could give young girls hope for a better future.
As the girls kept increasing, our support from the local and international community kept increasing too. One of our biggest support of the ecoDesigns hub came in last year when we launched a fundraising to purchase machines on @fundition.
We received a lot of support from @fundition, @adollaraday @pennsif @indigoocean @ecotrain and a lot of steemians who believed in our dream and this is how we were able to acquire over 9 new machines including an Overlocker Machine."
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A Strange Bug In My Peppermint Plants


"There he was, he almost goes unnoticed, he is so minimal and his color camouflages so well with that of the mint leaves that I almost didn't notice him. Nevertheless I saw it and I could not let the moment pass...."
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Fireworks During Day


"When we step closer on the bigger picture and all the bigger ordeals of the world, we look at the smaller picture that contains us, the real big picture. Because it is the smaller pictures that aggregate to create the really big picture which brings it all together to form the ultimate circle of life. The circle of life that contains everyone and everything.
The tiniest decision we make and the simple choice of either living with a lie or a truth shapes the entirety of our lives. It may look like a simple decision but it snowballs to become the new reality of our lives."
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Homestead Digest: Electricity, Zucs, Cucumbers & Eggs


"Over the past week there have been a few events. For my followers, they may seem insignificant, but for me, some of them have become really important.
The first and most important - my new house got an electricity! Hooray! After 3 years we did it."
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Chickpeas Setting Fruit


"It's a very simple raised bed setup 4 by 1 metres in size. We plant five or six rows of seeds in that. The aim is to have a thick stand of chickpeas.
Most of the seeds are actually eaten still green by the kids who walk around the bed and forage the lowest seed pods. Still that leaves us the plants in the middle of the bed which usually are enough for several large servings of hummus :) and of course for next year's seed."
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Tips For Using Willow On Your Homestead


"Willows of course love wet areas but there are also a number of varieties that do fine with droughts. These upland willows can be a great option for areas that are wet in the winter but dry out in the summer."
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Introducing Myself And What I Have To Offer The Steemit Community


Feeling your steem content isn't hitting the right targets or people don't know enough about the diversity of who you are? Start again. At the beginning. Matthew did.
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What Life Has Taught Me About Parenting[Nugg10.jpg]

"I realised that maybe a bit of neglect is actually a way to learn. Some things have to be figured out and not taught. When you are in a situation on your own and you can't reach your parents to help you through it, then you have no choice, but to figure it out. You'll likely make mistakes, but you'll learn from them.
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Act Or You Will Be Acted Upon - Proactive & Reactive Speech


"....most of us use the 'I have to' rather than 'I choose to', now this talks a lot about behavioural and approach differences. There is nothing like 'I have to' in real world, it comes from a reactive person only who thinks he\she is always on the short end of the stick. A proactive person knows he has power to choose and he is choosing all his actions."
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The 8 Pillars of @TribeSteemUp


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