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Introducing A New Book I Am Writing "The Only Way is Out, Are You Ready to Jump Yet?"

This post is the VERY beginning of my third book, and one that I have held the title in my mind for many, many years. Now it is time to manifest this book. The time is ripe and I believe people are ready to hear these words and respond. This book will be written on Hive in parts, as i have done twice before with the books "Earthship Chronicles, and 99 Reasons To Get Off-Grid With Earthship Biotecture!" Posting chapters on Hive has let me split up a difficult and large task into bite-sized chunks. It also gave me the encouragement and feedback I needed to keep writing and finally finish and publish them as paperback and e books. Today many people read them, and they still live today on the Hive Blockchain for free (of course!)

Whilst i don’t yet know every detail of what this book will contain, it will speak of many things. There is a lot to talk about for us to understand before we can really know why OUT is the only way to live and flourish in today’s very complicated world. It is about politics, the environment, decentralisation, eco building, living off grid, eating home grown food. It is about power and how this world works. It seeks to unveil the many facets of what is wrong with this world, and how best to initiate both local and global change. There will be no conspiracy theory, only observations and evaluations. Whilst one person may come up with a different conclusion than this book, it will be far from paranoid.

If you want to understand why OUT is the only way then look no further than the movie The Matrix! If you can understand that movie, you can understand why unplugging and getting out is the critical first step. It is quite timely that a part 4 of The Matrix is about to be released worldwide.. I believe the timing for this fourth instalment is quite perfect! If you haven’t yet seen the movie The Matrix I highly recommend it! Perhaps this post will make more sense afterward!

Here in this present moment we live in a huge gap between the past and the future. The past was not long ago, and yet we live so far from anything our ancestors knew. Our future is one step away and yet we can not even imagine or know what miracles it will bring. There is a change of gargantuan proportions sitting on our doorsteps, and the only way to go is left or right. The road ahead is gone, we have come to the end.. there is no more going straight ahead!

It is time for us all to choose which path we will take for ourselves and our children and loved ones. The choice is not an easy one or a clear one. The decision to Jump and get Out means many things. It does not HAVE to mean moving to a new location that is far from a city or a spy camera, although for many that is a clear and simple first step. What OUT means is more than that. It means disconnecting. It means re-tuning our internal antennas and seeing an entirely different channel. It means opening our eyes and accepting hard truths. It also means opening up to incredible new possibilities and potentials, a beautiful new world that awaits those who choose it.

We all live together on this single earth, but in entirely different worlds. We are fragmented and lost because those that govern do not care about us. This difficult yet very simple evaluation is the first step to take for anyone to truly know why getting Out is the only sensible step to take. This book will begin with some hard truths, because understanding and overcoming denial is the critical step to change. It doesn’t take a genius to understand and see this, and I will dedicate the first chapter to doing my very best to illuminating this very clear truth. There are SO many ways to demonstrate how THEY don’t care about us.. and a part of that will be demonstrating WHO THEY even are.

It feels like a great challenge to put so many thoughts, feelings and emotions into a coherent and focused book and so I wish myself luck on this new and exciting challenge. If you have any inputs, comments or ideas please do let me know in the comments. If you think this book is a good idea also PLEASE drop a comment to help me build up more passion and energy to deliver this very important message of our times.

Part 1 will be written and published on Hive as soon as im finished writing!
Let's make Our world as amazingas our world is!

“Centralisation is killing us,
Decentralisation gives us a door to the future.
You own your life.
You are free!"



Facilitating off-grid Sustainable Living
ecoVillages is a new paradigm in self sufficient building and living, based on empowered groups that live off-grid with little to no bills or debt using earthship biotecture. What lies at the core of ecoVillages is that it is a model that embraces decentralisation in every way. We make sure every aspect of life is as close to home as possible, and under an individual’s control!

Our primary goal is to facilitate others to build and live in the most sustainable way using earthship biotecture, to provide a lifetime of self sufficiency with almost no ongoing bills and maintenance. Our model begins in rural areas with a lot of land available at low cost. Our model is decentralised and so homes will be spread out with each person or collective owning their land outright, but are a part of a strong and supportive community.



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