The POST COLLAPSE Reboot, and Spare Change

by Mark L,

So we’re ready! We’ve stocked away some food, we’ve picked up some silver or gold…maybe getting into crypto currency, and we’ve all become armchair experts at spotting false flags and deciphering the daily media circus of propaganda and lies.

With the help of our friends with a YouTube and internet presence, we’ve become painfully aware of the impending global economic collapse, and that the current system simply cannot last forever. It WILL fall at some point…it’s only a matter of time and we will see the bubbles begin to burst in a swift and cascading fashion. The mother of all economic depressions.

But what if the collapse isn’t economic at all?

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What if the economic collapse is only a small piece of the overall collapse?

Most of us have become pretty adept at reading between the lines and using the internet to access information that is freely given by those that are smarter than us in these matters and are willing to share their expertise with those of us that are willing to listen. The list is long, and I thank each of you for contributing to my personal “awakening”.

While we've been navigating the dark waters that swirl around the planet and pretty much control the “reality” of the masses from their perches in high places, it's become a daily pilgrimage for most of us to dip our toes in and attempt to establish the things that we are NOT being told....some of us to the point of obsession. I'm guilty as charged.

But what ARE they telling us? Albeit, quietly. Lets have a look...

The Pentagon tells us that an EMP attack is imminent. In fact, while not front page news, we have a steady stream of “experts” telling us what's coming. I find it odd that while the MSM is showing us one failed North Korean missile test after another, meandering quietly under the surface is the certainty that NK has the full capability of launching an EMP attack via satellite....strange, but probably moot.

FEMA has warned of solar storms and a possible CME event. Interestingly, while FEMA downplays the potential damage and claims that most of the country would be back up and running within a couple of months, the National Academy of Sciences paints a much more grim picture, in which it could take over a year to replace transformers and the loss of life could run into the millions.

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pictured: October 30, 2012: New York residents cope with power outages [Credit:]

The NSA, along with other studies tell us that a cyber attack is a sure bet by 2025.

So what to do?

First off, how fun does it sound to load up your shotgun and protect your stash of food for a year?

Would you be willing to shoot someone that was hungry and begging for help? For most of us, the answer would be a solid NO.

The good news is that there are ways to prepare for this “imminent” threat, and given that our ancestors survived for thousands of years without it, and that electricity is a fairly new comfort in the grand scheme of things, we can do it fairly easily. In the US in 1920, less than 50% of city dwellers had electricity, and almost nobody in the rural areas.

In my opinion, the two most important things to stock up on, are information and the existing technology to make life easier for the long haul. Gold, silver and crypto's will be useless in such a scenario, while stored food will only serve as a temporary crutch to get over the initial bump. One example of taking advantage of modern technology, (on the cheap), is that I was able to score an unused $500 sub-zero goose-down parka at a thrift store for 12 bucks. There are also very inexpensive water filtration devices available.

“Information” is free to anyone, and can be downloaded, printed, and kept in a file. For example: Do you know what types of edible plants are growing right under your feet? Do you know how to kill a squirrel with a pellet gun, clean and cook it? Proper food storage and canning techniques?There is a wealth of information available that can keep you alive if and when you are told to shelter in place. Vegetable seeds are cheap and they last for years. Your yard can easily be converted into a farm.

Where does the spare change come into play?

Well, I've been doing some research on early civilizations, the colonists that came to North America, and the various instruments of trade that were used before money existed. I can envision our current suburban neighborhoods becoming small colonies of interdependent people that grow and create the things that are needed, and engage in trade. Labor itself will be a valuable commodity.

I see a potential exchange medium sitting right in front of us....or maybe in our couch cushions. It would be one small thing we wouldn't have to worry about, and pretty much everyone would be in possession of the “new” local currency, and be able to participate in these micro-economies. A penny would equal a dollar, nickle = $5, dime = $10, quarter = $25, etc. Despite the hard work involved in simply staying alive, we'd be living in a true “free market”, libertarian utopia.

Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but I still have faith that human beings, when left completely to their own devices, can behave in a constructive and cohesive manner, and that chaos is an option that doesn't have to be played.

Photo credit: North Korean threat of potential EMP weapon means you’re running out of time to prep for a grid-down scenario


Preparing for Power Grid Collapse, Obama Signs Executive Order On EMP, Space Weather Events

How to Survive an EMP Attack--Where Will Get Water? Bob Griswold


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