Week 8 Update | #ShopSmallLiveBig

This week was expensive.

Since I can't get my vision, dental, health, life, short-term, and long-term disability from local insurance companies, I decided to do the next best thing and see only local providers. While I don't think this is any more expensive than visiting large practices, I chose to miss as little work as possible and get all of my appointments done on the same day and that was expensive. I got an eye exam and glasses, x-rays and an exam of my teeth, and a full panel of blood work done and my co-pays were not cheap. If it wasn't for that, I think I would be doing pretty well financially this week.

I also bought lots and lots of food. We won't even get into that.

I have some other exciting stuff coming up. I think I found a free option for the perfect sand/clay dirt needed for the cob planters I've been procrastinating on. I'm looking for ward to getting that started ASAP. I might even have some people who are willing to help me. I'm now on the lookout for the stuff to make wither for the outside and a local vendor of linseed oil to help weatherproof them.

[Image from pexels.com - CC0 Public Domain]

Finally, even though it hasn't happened yet, I'm about to sell my truck. I've got an offer to get out of it what I put into it and that's not so bad. After that's all settled I'm going to save my money and get something better and more reliable. I honestly can't wait to get on the road on my own for the first time in years.

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