RE - theaudgirl: Why we should care more about inovation then diversity


Theaudgirl made a post called Why I Think More People (Especially Women) Need to Tune into the Crypto Convo. I will give you my ideas to why i think it shouldn't even matter. 

crypto success depends on woman 

The success of cryptocurrencies does depend partly on mainstream acceptance of blockchain technology. The more people that don’t see it as a threat or a bubble, like many articles claim, will only help see its adoption in our everyday life that much sooner. If we are missing a majority of a gender in this category, then I see that as an issue. I think that as time passes, people will have to adapt to this new technology no matter what, but I would like to see more women at the forefront taking advantage of all the opportunity just as males are.

We don't need alot of woman for cryptocurrency to become popular. Video games are doing more then fine even though mostly males play it. Also i would like to see more people taking advantage of cryptocurrecny regardless of their gender, skin color sexual preference, etc. Cryptocurrency can still do well even without mainstream acceptance but it will do even better if it did become mainstream. Actually it is mainstream. Jack films made a video on bitcoin and got, at the time of writing this, 1.3 million views. 

Woman aren't getting the same information as men

The gender gap additionally shows that women aren’t perhaps receiving all information about crypto. The good thing about the media is that it can help share big partnerships with corporations and blockchain and further the excitement about this new future. However, the bad thing about the media is that it also skews people’s perspective of crypto to where they don’t even want to learn more because they think they have heard enough about how it is a scam, a bubble, not going to last, and a million other reasons. Essentially, we are seeing a lot of the “centralized” world spread FUD about the “decentralized” world … because I think they are yet to fully understand it. Being that a majority of people consume their media from these large platforms though, that is why I think they aren’t getting all of the right information.

Really. They can if they want, can research it. One of my friend said bitcoin was a scam when i was talking about it and then a day later came back talking about how amazing bitcoin was. If they believe everything on the mainstream news is true then it is there loss. Also i'm pretty sure a lot of woman can get their phones and do a google search about bitcoin. Some of them might have brothers who invested in bitcoin but they didn't themselves. It is not like men and woman have access to different news. They both have access to the same news and can both do research. Maybe men just care more about the mission of cryptos then woman and are more willing to take the risk then woman. 

We need woman in crypto so they can do jobs in that industry 

More and more jobs are/will be opening up for people who have blockchain expertise or knowledge and it would be great to get some women filling these jobs. It’s a new enough field to where women can join and grow with the industry as it evolves. Women often advocate for equality in the workforce and giving them the resources/having them take the time to understand it will help us diversify this industry even more. 

Woman do often advocate for equality. For example STEM jobs are more then 2 times likely to accept woman then men but evn with that, STEM is male dominated. Woman are going into gender studies even though they want more woman in STEM and a higher pay for woman.  

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink

Convince the woman around you to get into crypto 

So, coming from a woman, I encourage you to support those close to you and the women in your life to join the crypto conversation!

Yeah good luck. I tried to get one of my sister to buy bitcoin but she wasn't interested even though she could have made a lot of money with it. It seems like men are just more interested then woman about cryptocurrency and tech in general then woman. 


In conclusion, We shouldn't care and even if we did, i don't think we can change the numbers that much until crypto take over the world and you pretty much have to use it like fiat. We should focus on inovation and branding of crypto so it become mainstream and so it would mean more woman would use crypto. Also you know the quote down below by Martin Luther King Jr., It should also be applied to gender.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.  - Martin Luther King Jr.

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