To Catch A Capitalist Cannibal on Steem

I will keep saying it, steem is cannibalism...Im also not convinced there was ever a long view by our founders. That goes for us and them.

It seems it was a get in get out scheme. Then take off and do other things while the leftovers are left to toil and trouble themselves with a spoiled platform that was a stepping stone for those that got in on the ground-floor and knew the game was going to expire.

If Ron Swanson is correct and I'm not saying he is it stands to reason smart investors would've come here by now and marketed this platform to the internet Normies and we wouldn't be the 60+ ranked coin and our top landing page wouldn't be ranked 5320 !

I posted a ranking thingy the other day and also expressed concern that one of our best assets for adoption a good mobile interface seems to have abandoned it's baby @partiko.

Marky said it the other day, "Hemingway if alive could drop a novel on us and it would make pennies" (paraphrasing) The point is that content discovery isn't working and the 7 day window of opportunity makes it an act in futility to make great stuff in a system that clearly doesn't support the cause from any angle.

This place is Riggedy rekt son! Go home steem you're drunk!

I wish I could trade in all my single upvotes for one cumulative VP vote and self vote. I wish I could earn rewards for more than a 7 day period. I wish I could spread the word so that others could discover my content without a pay to play service that doesn't work anyway. I wish we had something here that could go viral and people would onboard, and stay. I wish rep scores meant something. I wish we could catch the cannibals and convince them they are feeding on themselves and no value is created from killing yourself by eating your laborers.

I wish many things but wishes grow on trees here and we can't see the forest for those trees.

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