Looking Back So That We Can Look Forwards. Power(less)!

The fossil fuel supply companies, most importantly the oil companies have all been feuding over the past decade or so. We have seen some former huge names in the industry go under. Ironically in Nth America mostly, all due to price dumping. Then we saw prices go back up, after the competing companies from the USA and Canada were no longer there.

This put added pressure on the buying power of the working class people. Again.

Every time there are such huge fluctuations in prices of oil prices, the only thing it equates to is a rise in prices for the end micro consumers. The “big boys and girls” in the business, the resellers, don’t care.

However, let’s now add to that the reducing production figures and what we see is a complete instability and uncertainty in the future decades. The economy that the industrial revolution brought about is no longer “surviving” it is literally dead.

Some may now think Solar Energy is the solution!

Sure, somewhat true.

No more nuclear, no more fossil fuels, no more combustion engines for all the logistics needed in all these centralized grid systems.

True for a good 20% of the issues in the economy sectors. Definitely a much higher percentage in the pollution produced.

So this is definitely a must.

There is another term that was mentioned here, which is often forgotten, or deliberately avoided by those running the mega grid power and fossil fuel companies. That term is “centralized”.

The issue with centralization is the end goal.

If we look at the economics of the past century, it was all productivity, supply and demand that kept it all going. Which made sense in the never ending inflation of things. It also made a lot more sense to those supplying the fuels. Even more sense to those reselling the fuels. Least of all to those working hard to make it through a day in this system and feed their families as do all mammals on this planet. Feed their families and work hard to ensure the family has food and water along with safety.

The above opportunists refuse to allow any form of decentralization into the system. It must all be in their control or the only other option left is the same fate as those mega corporations who tried to compete with the bigger conglomerates out there.

But what about the other 80% of economics?

Well, the new technologies that help to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and more so rely on solar power, which can easily be decentralized.

Then we have the technology in the communications that is advancing.

If this was heading towards decentralization instead of sticking to “the grid”, we can see a huge distributed, transparent, open and public advancement. Something that can make ideas such as Open Source advance into a level that makes the monopolies obsolete.

Yet, to do this, the data being collected must not be abused. Which we can see happening everywhere. In particular, in “politics” (power struggles).

This is where we need to introduce solutions, options, alternatives.

This post is part 3 of Looking Back So That We Can Look Forwards. (Mini Series)

Part #2: Looking Back So That We Can Look Forwards. The Industrial R+Evolution.

Read more:

Source: https://jackmiller.info

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