Looking Back So That We Can Look Forwards. (Mini Series)

Part #1

It is no secret that the global economy is in a critical state.

The causes are all now historical events and facts, they should serve as a guide and mentor for the future, so that the same mistakes are not repeated.

Currently GDP is slowing down, production is reducing in numbers over the past few decades.

Employment numbers aren't rising as a result, which is most evident among the younger generations.

The future is somewhat unpredictable because of this, as the economies of this world have all been dependent on production. This is all a direct evolution of what the industrial revolution started.

Approximately 50% of human beings are better off today than what they were 100 years ago. Apparently, some 40% of human beings are surviving on less than $10 USD daily, are they better off today?

The wealthy have done pretty well over the past 100 years.

Less than 100 people own more than 50% of humanity.

Something just didn’t work out too well in all these years of learning, making mistakes, experimenting, using, abusing and maybe even learning a thing or two.

To Be Continued……

Read more:

Looking Back So That We Can Look Forwards. (Mini Series) – Jack Miller

Source: https://jackmiller.info

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