Value-Added Taxes Make It Easier to Raise Taxes—That's Why Governments Love Them

The value-added tax was first imposed in Europe starting about 50 years ago. Politicians in nations like France approve of this tax because it is generally hidden, so it is relatively easy to periodically raise the rate. And that’s the reason I am vociferously opposed to the VAT. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the burden of government spending dramatically increased in Europe once politicians got their hands on a new source of revenue.

Source: Value-Added Taxes Make It Easier to Raise Taxes—That's Why Governments Love Them - Foundation for Economic Education

VATs are far worse than simple sales taxes because they are hidden and also because they involve taxing products at multiple points. Like the author, the only way I would ever support a VAT (and I'm using "support" loosely here), is if such a tax change included a repeal of the 16th amendment and the abolishment of all income taxes. Even then I'm not so sure. One thing is certain though, if a VAT is ever implemented it will grow over time.

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