Do We Actually Need Debt?

I'm posting this here as I think it's an incredibly important area of discussion and dispute.

My comments:

The primary pathological issue here is when money itself is used to earn more money without creating any societal value and that is the definition of usury...That said, inflation today based on this usurious idea wouldn't even be a problem if the capitalists left four areas untouched by their greed ( homes, food, education, healthcare)...So they have toxic boundary issues to boot. The point though is that a 'commercial luxury'* economy and the inflation it produced wouldn't be an issue if there were a 'residential steady-state economy' surrounding humanity's basic needs...I attempt to flesh this out in My Four Pillars Of A New Earth Commons which IS NOT premised on Marxist ideology...Stay calm and carry on!
* what does it matter if a yacht costs a million or 10 million? It doesn't if one is rich. BUT, it does matter (inflation) when it comes to the masses and their basic needs...

The BASIC NEEDS STEADY STATE ECONOMY has to have a truly public bank issuing a non-debt means of exchange. All speculation is against the law in this economy to prevent inflation. Keep the casinoization of economics to the commercial luxury demographic ...see Pareto! About an 80/20 split...You get a Cupie-doll if you can guess which economy gets what percentage!

Did I really hear that Islamic feudalism is the solution to debt and usury? And, I'd be happy to hear how this system ISN'T a fusion of 'Yahwehism and Marx'?

It seems to me that there was an area left out of this analysis: that capitalism itself is a war on labor (value)...Get rid of the war on labor (usurious currency) which causes a massive need to tax labor and you get rid of the thing that causes labor to be worthless and in need of usury to 'save it'...

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