The Great Eclipse and the Numbers Game....

The Great (American) Eclipse (August 21st, 2017 in the U.S.A.)

IMAGE & STORY SOURCE: Linda Menzies on Facebook

The eclipse & the numbers.... there are many ways to approach this, to cover from all angles.

Your first initial thought about this eclipse may be Trumps Time cover of the “Divided States of America”. Attention grabbing factor being that this eclipse is going from West to East and in fact will be dividing or drawing a line between the North and the South (from Oregon to South Carolina). Incredibly, the eclipse will actually begin shortly after the sun's shadow rises on the West Coast (the sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west, but eclipses travel in the opposite direction). In other words, people will witness a black sun rising over the United States beginning on the West Coast.

It has also been noted that another total solar eclipse will cross the United States at an opposite angle seven years later in 2024.

The meanings behind these eclipses are simply overwhelming and it is difficult to interpret them all. Here are a few of the discoveries others have made and you can interpret them for yourself.

Let’s start with some numbers….

#1: The August eclipse occurs exactly 33 days before the Revelation 12 Sign (9/23), beginning in the 33rd state (Oregon), and ending in South Carolina at the 33rd parallel. The eclipse occurs on the 233rd day of the year, which is 33 weeks into 2017. It's been noted that an eclipse like this hasn't happened in 99 years. That would be 3 x 33 years.

Of course we know the biblical significance of the number 33 as well as how the Freemason/Illuminati and occult favors this number as being perhaps their most important number. We see above many 33’s being related to this event.

What is the revelation 12 sign? This passage of Scripture in the Christian Bible describes "a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth." Many people worldwide believe that an astronomical alignment involving the constellations Virgo and Leo, the sun, moon, and planets Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter occurring on September 23, 2017 will fulfil this purported prophecy word-for-word.

#2: The eclipse is also exactly 40 days from Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement). "40" represents a period of testing in the Bible as can been seen in the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness and the 40 days Jesus was tested in the wilderness. This 40 day period leading up to Yom Kippur is more than random. In fact, this period of time beginning on August 21st is called the Season of Teshuvah, which in the Jewish faith is a time to get right with God before judgement falls on the Day of Atonement.

#3: While eclipses are not that uncommon, total solar eclipses only occur about every year and a half and often occur over the ocean rather than land. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking this eclipse is nothing out of the ordinary. Day will be turned to night all across the middle United States. It's been 99 years since a total solar eclipse crossed the entire United States and having another total solar eclipse cross the entire United States again (7 yrs from now), forming an 'X', just a few years later is perhaps unprecedented. I do find it interesting that the time of tribulation is supposed to last 7 yrs.

#4: The eclipse occurs in conjunction with Regulus, the "King Star". Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo and Leo is one of the two constellations involved in the Revelation 12 Sign. The fact that this eclipse occurs in Leo, which will be part of the Great Sign the month after, is astonishing. Also, I noticed that the eclipse crosses exactly 12 states and I verified the count to make sure. An eclipse across 12 states just one month before the Revelation 12 Sign that features a woman with a crown of 12 stars.

#5: The first major city that will witness the eclipse is Oregon's state capital, Salem. Salem is of course the shortened version of "Jerusalem", which is the most prophetically significant city in the entire Bible. Jerusalem was originally called "Salem" in the days of Melchizedek. If that isn't interesting enough, the closest road to the exact point where the two eclipses cross over the 7 year period is Salem Road in Makanda, Illinois. What are the chances of that?

#6: August 23 – A FEMA exercise known as “EarthEX2017” will simulate “catastrophes such as mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism or high altitude electromagnetic pulse attacks”. Very odd indeed!

#7: Ok…It’s Saturn numerology time….

Let’s review first. Our elite ruling who date back to ancient times are in fact part of the cult of Saturn. Saturn worship and symbolism is found everywhere. Search some old posts of mine if this is something you haven’t seen me refer to this before.

Now the number 969 has great importance to Saturn as it moves at 9.69 km/s. Thus the number 969 is seen time and time again related to various historical events. I can literally tie one major event to the next with the number 969 (future post on that is coming.)

Now 969 also related to 6996. As 969 + (969) = 1455. By adding the inverse (as above so below) of 5541 we get 6996. 1455 + 5541 (inverse) = 6996.

Look up as above so below and how it relates to the occult if this is new to you.

So 9/11/2001 (pretty important historical day is 831 weeks to 8/21/17 (eclipse). 831 + 138 (inverse…as above so below) = 969 the speed of Saturn! Yup whoa! Coincidence you say?

Fukushima (Japan earthquake) Japan nuclear reactor meltdown was on 3/11/2001
3/11/2001 to 8/21/2017 is 336 weeks and 3 days. 3363 +3633 (inverse) = 6996

Now it’s going to get bizarre. What if I told you 3 years before the U.S. entered World War I there was a solar eclipse? Now what if I told you from the time of that eclipse until we entered the war was 138 weeks? 138 + 831 (inverse) = 969 Saturn's number.

Then the end of World War I occurred on 11/11/1918. Now between that date and the eclipse on 8/21/17 is 1185 months. 1185+5811 = 6996. Take a second and let that digest!

So what do all these numbers mean? I’m not entirely sure beyond it seems our elite ancient rulers understand mathematics, astrology, and who knows what else beyond what many of us will ever be able to comprehend.

My own opinion of the eclipse is that it's going to be an amazing time of rebirth, renewal, and awakening.

“Your stars are not there to master you. You are here to master your stars.”

As the total solar eclipse casts its shadow, we could interpret this as something artificial blocking out that which is natural. Why doesn’t a cosmic referee blow the whistle and call interference?

“Don’t fight forces, use them.”

We can use this total solar eclipse for our betterment to draw forth unhealed gunk from our subconscious, both individually and collectively.

As Carl Jung said, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

The fluffy “it’s all good” crowd will be challenged to look at our collective shadow: war, murder, poverty, conquest, exploitation, abuse, deception, human trafficking, organ harvesting, paedophilia, child sacrifice and on and on and on. None of this could manifest in our world without our acquiescence, so now the human race will have a huge wave of responsibility plopped onto its collective lap. Many people have been unearthing massive troves of data to expose the workings of the political, religious and economic machine that has long held humanity in abject slavery. This eclipse season will give their efforts a welcome boost.

August is a turning point month that is going to bring rapid growth and change. From August onwards, time is going to feel like it’s moving faster and we are all really going to be guided to leave the past in the past. August is also a month of ascension and awakenings, so it is likely that we are all going to be able to advance our consciousness, or our spiritual understanding in some way. Often when awakenings or ascension first happens it can feel like a shock and sometimes we need time to process this new way of being. All of this energy can lead to feelings of exhaustion or energy levels that feel all over the place.

It can also lead to a desire to make abrupt or long needed changes in life.

Thank You!

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