Bitcoin with Sats on Ecency Soon?

After some thought I implemented this for proof of brain and it is live right now. Go and take a look. You have to change your settings.

  1. Login.
  2. Click on your wallet
  3. Click the 'Settings' tab
  4. Change the Currency setting to BTC

Damn it looks cool. @ecency mentioned it might be a good idea to use 'satoshis.' He sounds interested. Which means it may end up being part of the main ecency code.

I did some tweaking and recoding. The new implementation will use sats for a value that is less than a micro-bitcoin. It will use micro-bitcoins if it is less than a milli-bitcoin. Otherwise it will use millibitcoins for really high earners.

--- a/src/common/components/formatted-currency/index.tsx
+++ b/src/common/components/formatted-currency/index.tsx
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ interface Props {
   fixAt: number;
+const prefixes = ["", "m", "µ", "n"];
 export default class FormattedCurrency extends Component<Props> {
   public static defaultProps: Partial<Props> = {
     fixAt: 2
@@ -21,6 +23,34 @@ export default class FormattedCurrency extends Component<Props> {
     const valInCurrency = value * currencyRate;
-    return <>{formattedNumber(valInCurrency, { fractionDigits: fixAt, prefix: currencySymbol })}</>;
+    let multiplier = 1.0;
+    let prefix = '';
+    if ( currencySymbol === '฿' && valInCurrency > 0) {
+      let decimal_places = 0;
+      let currency_string: string;
+      for (; decimal_places < 9; decimal_places += 3, multiplier *= 1000) {
+        const truncated_amount = Math.trunc( valInCurrency * Math.pow( 10, decimal_places + fixAt ) );
+        if (isNaN(truncated_amount) || truncated_amount > 100) 
+          break;
+      }
+      if (decimal_places === 9) {
+        if (isNaN(multiplier*valInCurrency) || multiplier*valInCurrency === 0) {
+          decimal_places = 0;
+          multiplier = 1.0;          
+        } else {
+          return formattedNumber(valInCurrency * Math.pow(10,8),  { fractionDigits: 0, suffix: 'sats' } );
+        }
+      }
+      prefix = prefixes[decimal_places / 3];
+    }
+    return (
+      <>
+        {formattedNumber(valInCurrency * multiplier, {
+          fractionDigits: fixAt,
+          prefix: prefix + currencySymbol
+        })}
+      </>
+    );

Posted with proof of brain

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