Today was so stressful for me and I had a hard time getting the strength to make a write up much earlier but I'm so glad I could regain myself. I hope you all had a great day unlike mine. Today, I'm going to be reacting to the ladies of Hive topic number one asked by @tibaire.

My passions

It's really hard for anyone not to have a passion for something and I'm not left out of course. I have passion for some really weird things to some people, hehe. So let's get to knowing what this lady here has passion for, shall we?



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I'm so good when it comes to keeping a place tidy, I sometimes don't even know when I start cleaning up somewhere, it can be anywhere actually (my home or someone else's). I had passion for cleaning because I've lived with so many people that care less about how clean and tidy their environments are and I'm not really comfortable when I'm in such environments so, I grew up to have a great passion for cleaning.



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Hey wait, don't think too much, I'm not a great cook, I just have passion for cooking and that's all but it's taste is sometimes incredible 😁. I learned how to cook first from my dad because he was my first teacher in almost every thing I know. My dad loves cooking so much and I was always amazed seeing how he prepared food every day for us when we were little and that made me want to learn so I can always assist him in any way I can. For me, cooking is fun and I love having fun 🤭.



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This is really funny but it's just the truth. I have great passion for singing along with music when they are playing 😅. I can't be listening to a song that I know and not sing along even the ones I don't know 😂, it's hard, except when I'm doing something very important. I remember one time when a friend of mine was playing a song and I was just listening to it and after I heard the chorus once, the next chorus I sang along and my friend was like, what? I thought you said you've not heard this song before? Well I haven't but it seems my passion has 😂.


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These are the major things I think I have passion for especially the first and last, crazy right? But trust me when I say they are super fun and weird at times, hehe.

I do hope you enjoyed reading through this and please don't hesitate to leave your amazing comments, I'd really appreciate them and I will love to invite @merit.ahama and @maryjacy for the next contest 🤭.

Much love from Hope 💙.

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