Where to go and how


A new Morning Has Begun here, and the sun has not yet come out from behind the cloud, and the forest under it is damp and muddy. But for that, I'm looking for information on how to get around this society, and earlier this week, I found something interesting about how to fly a plane wherever you want go out there.... I mean you can take some plane and direct flight.

I was just curious to see if really just big flight plains are the only way to move on this planet and also I was looking at whether private planes can be used in other ways.

And as I was believed I found something interesting, I understand it's not very cheap but I can fly very far and direct at a reasonable price.... the key here is that I or someone who wants to do this this planning has to find 12 or 13 friends who are interested in doing this and are willing to pay a little higher money then normal plain tickets... if I do this alone it be to expensive , and it's not a pleasant flight anymore, and it makes you or me in end feel too greedy, but when you do it together what others, it's gonna be pleasant.

So what did I find ... is this internet pages ... what pages offer private flights on private planes,also they can send more bigger plains also :)) where you can put in 20 people but then it gets to big and gets to lot attention... but lets hold it 13 max :)) .

Here is this pages link ... https://bitluxtravel.com/ PRIVET JET CHARTER... yeh ... it is privet jets :))


... but hey they take COINS ... BTC - ETH - LTC - DASH :)) and I see this are also very good coins to use there I have lot times used LTC ... and LTC moves very fast and I can pay all there what 10s :))
you need a passport and a temporary valid phone number to get a message when everyone is ready to move. choose a country, and choose a place to go, choose a date and time of the clock and last show how many people you have coming on the plane, after which the system will make you an offer and recommend the planes :)) But make sure you always have your phone number Open and your email open because they'll ask you all over again to specify how the flight put ready :)


When I'm in there and look all this I see when I take plain ... then 13 people and every one needs to give 10 000 euros and we can fly anywhere. Here is no problem to go MEXICO :)) just 18 h and BOOM you are there :)






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