Don't Be Sad Everything Will Be Fine

Why do you feel sad? You worked so hard, you think so much, you learn endlessly, you listen carefully, you push yourself ruthlessly, and you achieve so much more this year alone than you did many years back.

So with all this achievement why do you feel so sad? Why do these tears come out? Why does this heart feel heavy?

Is this achievement not enough? Or the goal you try to pursue is still far from your reach? Why are you sad tell me?

If you can't tell me then it's ok. Because it will be fine everything will. You did so much you help so many so it's ok. Calm down you got this you always had and always will have this. You go down sometimes but you recover faster remember that you're powerful but you don't believe you're powerful that's the problem.

If you know that you're limitless then that is the time you achieve greatness so don't be sad. Because being sad will make you lose time for progress. Progress is the only way to live in this world. Without progress, we all are the same but if you progress then each individual is unique and beautiful remember that.

Pictures made by me using canva

Thank you for reading take care and keep safe

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