How To manage my finances

In today’s world we can’t but think of this important word “finance”. As it an essential part of our life. It even has a part in our existence you hear people say in the area of my financial life.
The situation of things today, one must to plan ahead of time in other not to go bankrupt or broke and not being able to afford what you want. There are two type of financial freedom.
Financially stable: being able to afford basic needs.
Financially buoyant: being able to afford anything you want.
And the later is what I want, and have then decided and come up with a crucial plan to manage my finances and also grow them.
First on the list is:

  1. Planning: I mostly jot down what I need and what I don’t the first I concentrate on.
  2. Saving: like the saying do not eat with ten fingers, I save my money where it would yield me profit.
  3. Spending occasionally: Trust me not everything your eyes see you must want sometimes look away.
    Thanks for reading.
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