The New (ERC20) Bitcoin (ERC20 version of Bitcoin on the Ethereum blockchain.)

eBTC is a tokenized version of Bitcoin on the Ethereum blockchain.

The Token
Contract address: 0x2FD41f516fAc94Ed08e156F489f56cA3A80b04D0
Symbol: EBTC
Decimals: 8

Compatible Wallets

Well According from data gathered from Coinmarketcap, eBTC launched with a value of around $0.03 per token, but as of press time had increased to $0.20 as exchange EtherDelta became involved in trading it.

Nailed it? Ethereum-Bitcoin 'Hybrid' eBTC Gains 300 Percent on Investor Hype

I sure as well think ERC20 token eBTC did in fact came in with a bullrush!

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eBTC is an ERC20 version of Bitcoin on the Ethereum blockchain.

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