30 Day Eat Real Food Challenge

Okay so I know I haven't posted my food journal in a week. I was not feeling very well last week, I ate mostly soup. Soup is and always has been my comfort food. Luckily I had a bunch in my freezer left over from winter. The good news is I feel really good today. I stepped on the scale finally and I am down almost 11 lbs. I didn't start my #30DayFoodChallenge to necessarily lose weight (it's is a great side effect, but not the reason) I wanted to feel healthier, have more energy, feel less bloated, etc. I had a feeling I was gong to get sick before it was all over, so that was no surprise. Flushing your system of all those toxins can be stressful on your body. Thank you all who supported me through this process. I'm not stopping now, I will continue to #EatRealFood.

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