Easter Bunny Declared Essential Worker

Ridiculous is what it is to consider the Easter bunny character an essential worker at this time, meanwhile the government has thousands of other businesses closed. And they are preventing people from working to support their families and bring value to the community at this time.

The government should not get to decide what forms of entertainment are 'essential' and what should be put off until a later time.

The reason behind declaring the Easter bunny an essential worker is that people need laughter and fun at a time like this.

But what about all of the other thousands of businesses that also seek to provide similar value? Or what about the individuals who are just trying to feed their families? The government trying to decide which businesses should be considered essential and which non, only goes to show how incapable they are of determining just that.

We have to halt many doctors appointments and put a pause to criminal justice proceedings, in some places you can't even go to a friends house or visit a family member, you might even get a $2k+ ticket for simply taking a joy ride during lockdown hours. But don't worry kids, the Easter bunny is still coming around.

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