What do you think about the philosophy war?

In Phillip K Dick's 'The Man in the High Castle' the United States have lost world war 2 and are occupied east of the Rocky Mountains by the reich and west of The Rockies by Japan.

In Neil Gaiman's 'American Gods' an unsuspecting convict gets recruited by Odin to help him fight in a war between the gods of the old world and the gods of the new world.

One prevailing theme in both of these novels is that wherever people go, they bring their philosophies with them.

Now, lets take a step back. If we look at all of what is considered American history and pay attention to the involved philosophies we will see that this holds true.

When the slave trade brought Africans to the deep south they brought their gods and we see the developement of voodoo and creole culture.

When white europeans came they brought the gods of the old world, odin/votan, zeus, the fates, etc.

And when the asians showed up for the gold rush in the west and the industrial revolution they brought their philosophies too.

Consider the two maps, one geographical and one temporal. The geographic representation put forward by PKD, I assert, stands true. As european settlers moved west from the colonies they largely stopped at the rocky mountains due to the death toll crossing them would mean for many.

Asia approached america from the other side, landing primarily in the California region.

For those who have traveled it is clear the distinction in life styles from the midwest to the west coast.

Now lets consider time as NG does.
These gods were primarily imported hundreds of years ago and since then American culture, indentity, and enterprise has shifted drastically and new forms of ultimate authorities have become recognizable. We see the illuminati, we see the universe, we see media, and we see technology grinding away at what was and directing us towards what will be. More and more the old gods are dying, esoecially as the world enters global communication.

To summarize, in eastern america all the way to the midwest we have strong western philosophies and identities especially in older people. In the western US we have a very strong eastern philosophies and identities. But all over we have these new things, shadow grouos pulling the global strings, technology is breaking the line between real and digital. So what is going to happen? I dont know.

My guess is that east and west will be tricked into offing each other as the new authorities broadcast the destruction and seduce us all into misinormed confortable ad revenu.

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