Taking Responsibility

Hi friends,
I am sorry for my absence. I had a big shadow aspect surface with my inner child. I thought that I was doing the right thing by taking a break and not posting and letting my emotions flow. I let my emotions get in the way and let them get the best of myself.

No matter how much healing that you do that frozen inner child will not budge until they feel safe. They need unconditional love and support to know that you will hold a safe space for them no matter how long it takes.
I learned how much I am scared to take action and am letting this aspect of me dictate my actions and life. If I do not use my gifts to create the life that I want then I will remain stuck in the same patterns. She dos need unconditional love, but I need compassion for myself to let myself grow.

Here is a poem that I wrote last night about holding space for this part of me while stepping up and taking responsibility to create the life that I want.

I don’t want to take action!
I am so scared!
I want to stay right where I am at!
I want you to believe that you need to stay right here!
Numb yourself out!
Keep living in fear!
I want to stay frozen!
I want control!
Don’t take action!
Keep feeling our feelings, don’t let us grow!
I want you to believe that you are feeding your soul!
I want you to believe that you are in control!
Peel back the veil!
What do you see?
I am inhibiting you from living the life that you dream!
I let my light in!
I show my little girl love!
I have to take action!
I cannot stay stuck!
I cannot be the one who junks my life up!
-DDP 2/19/18FB_IMG_1519056089973.jpg

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